Houston Chronicle

Takeaways from Phoenix


Regarding “Trump blames media for Charlottes­ville backlash” (Page A1, Wednesday), I have three takeaways from the recent Trump rally in Arizona. First is his attempt to blame (without naming names) U.S. Sen. John McCain for the failure of the GOP to repeal/ replace Obamacare. There should be no doubt about where the blame lies and that is at the feet of the president. The Affordable Care Act is known as Obamacare because President Obama took full ownership of it.

By contrast, President Trump early on declared “I did not believe health care could be so complicate­d” and decided to let Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Majority Leader Paul Ryan do the hard work.

The second takeaway was his tacit threat to shut down the government if his “wall” is not funded. Really? Is Mexico such a dire threat to America that building a wall is so important that drastic measures have to be implemente­d to force the Congress to fund it?

The president should try diplomacy since his vaunted dealmaking skills appear to be just threats and bullying.

The third and final takeaway was his statement about failing government schools. It would appear from that statement the president seems to be of the same mind as Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick in their apparent disdain for public education. Gonzalo Martinez, La Porte

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