Houston Chronicle

Who wants to sniff bombs for a living? Not Lulu — and the CIA is fine with that

- By Katie Rogers NEW YORK TIMES

WASHINGTON — Let’s just get this out of the way: There are other matters of consequenc­e going on in the world.

But in these fractious times, a series of puppy photos posted by none other than the fun-loving Central Intelligen­ce Agency now can qualify as a feel-good, stick-it-to-the-man moment shared by thousands of people who are marooned in office jobs. Meet Lulu, the black Labrador retriever and free spirit who bucked expectatio­ns and flunked out of the CIA’s explosive detection “puppy class.”

Workplace ennui

Maybe it was her shiny coat that made Lulu’s story ricochet around the internet. Maybe it was her soft brown eyes. Or maybe her story just sounds familiar to any American who has experience­d workplace ennui: She underwent rigorous training for a daily grind job and decided that sniffing out bombs was not her calling.

The photos were a rare attempt at a cutesy moment from a secretive agency better known for much darker stories. The number of CIA personnel killed in Afghanista­n now rivals the number of agency operatives who died in Vietnam and Laos decades ago. The agency has pushed for extended powers to carry out covert drone strikes in active war zones. And even the courseload for its bomb dogs is high-stakes and rigorous.

“A few weeks into training, Lulu began to show signs that she wasn’t interested in detecting explosive odors,” read a statement on the CIA website. “Usually it lasts for a day, maybe two.”

Because canines can detect about 19,000 explosive scents, the CIA’s prospectiv­e bomb dogs face a sixweek training course in which they learn to sniff out threats. After meeting their handlers, the dogs then undergo a 10-week one-on-one training. A successful graduate learns how to detect explosives in cars and luggage. The 60-hour canine workweek can include shifts with the U.S. Park Police, local police department­s and the Drug Enforcemen­t Administra­tion.

It quickly became clear that bombsniffi­ng was not in Lulu’s profession­al future. Still, she was afforded the sort of profession­al courtesy that most two-legged members of society can only dream about from their human resources department­s.

Squirrels not bombs

A “doggy psychologi­st” was brought in to assess the situation. Extra breaks, treats and rest were provided.

This was clearly not the life plan Lulu had envisioned for herself, and this is fine.

“For some dogs, after weeks of working w/ them, it’s clear the issue isn’t temporary & instead, this just isn’t the job they are meant for,” the CIA said in a Twitter post on Wednesday. Lulu soon had a new home. “Lulu was adopted by her handler & now enjoys her days playing w his kids & a new friend, & sniffing out rabbits & squirrels in the backyard,” the CIA tweeted.

When it came to fielding questions about Lulu’s profession­al background, the agency stayed typically tight-lipped. But officials did say they wish this very good dog all the best in the future.

 ?? CIA via New York Times ?? After spending time with a “doggy psychologi­st,” Lulu was dismissed from explosive-sniffing school. The young Labrador retriever, a darling of social media, was adopted by her handler.
CIA via New York Times After spending time with a “doggy psychologi­st,” Lulu was dismissed from explosive-sniffing school. The young Labrador retriever, a darling of social media, was adopted by her handler.

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