Houston Chronicle

Human rights

Two award winners have stood up for others under the most trying circumstan­ces.

- The Oscar Romero Award Ceremony and Celebratio­n begins at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Rothko Chapel, 3900 Yupon. The event is free and open to the public, although attendees are asked to go to the Rothko Chapel website and register for preferenti­al seating.

Americans frustrated and despairing about the sclerotic conditions of the body politic and the “tribal” nature of our hyper-ideologica­l beliefs and assumption­s are likely to find strength and renewed hope at the Rothko Chapel on Sunday.

Recipients of the Rothko’s Oscar Romero Human Rights Award are two people who have persisted and prevailed under the most trying circumstan­ces. They have made a difference. They can be an inspiratio­n to all of us, no matter the depth of our frustratio­n.

Pierre Clarer Mbonimpa from Burundi, East Africa, is executive director of the Associatio­n for the Protection of Prisoners and Human Rights. The organizati­on documents and reports on human rights violations, with an emphasis on those committed against incarcerat­ed people in Burundi.

Mbonimpa, who has been imprisoned himself, arrives in Houston not long after recovering from an assassinat­ion attempt that was very nearly successful. Apparently, a government official didn’t appreciate his dogged efforts to call attention to sexual violence, torture and other government abuses against incarcerat­ed people.

Kathryn Griffin Grinan, a Houston-based recovery coach and peer-to-peer counselor, hasn’t had to survive an assassinat­ion attempt, but she confronts every day the death of hope. She administer­s a highly successful re-entry program inside the Harris County Jail that helps rehabilita­te victims of human traffickin­g and prostituti­on. She also helps incarcerat­ed women stay in touch with their children during their time behind bars.

Mbonimpa sought to make a difference in a country beset by rampant insecurity, violence and political upheaval, a country where the government no longer protects basic civil and political rights. Burundi today is distressin­gly similar to El Salvador, circa 1980, when Archbishop Romero, a champion of the oppressed, was assassinat­ed while saying Mass.

Here in Houston, Grinan hasn’t faced death threats, but she would be the first to tell you that her life was spiraling downward toward early death not that long ago. In November 2003, she was at a crossroads: Either go to prison for a long time or change her destructiv­e habits and become a productive citizen. Since choosing the latter, she’s devoted her life to rescuing women in similar circumstan­ces. Her re-entry program — “Been There, Done That” — not only is aptly named but life-changing for dozens of women every year.

Both Grinan and Mbonimpa refused to surrender to despair and hopelessne­ss. They stood up. They spoke out. They got involved.

Their lives are a reminder that we can do likewise.

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