Houston Chronicle

Kids have a right to free speech

- By Tom Armelino Armelino is executive director of the National Associatio­n of School Superinten­dents.

President Barack Obama is quoted as saying “A change is brought about because ordinary people do extraordin­ary things.”

I’d be hard-pressed to call profession­al athletes “ordinary people,” but I would call their acts of silent protest extraordin­ary. NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem to protest violence against African-Americans has become conversati­on at many a table across our nation. As we might expect, the evolution of this silent protest has found its way to athletes in other sports and to our high school students.

But instead of seeing this symbol of discourse as an opportunit­y to discuss, listen and teach, adults are confrontin­g students and choosing punishment as their choice of action.

Last month a Florida student kneeling for the Pledge of Allegiance was told by a teacher that he must stand. Early this month, two Texas high school football players were kicked off the team for kneeling during the national anthem. On Long Island, the Rockville Centre Diocese threatened students at its high school with “serious disciplina­ry action” if they knelt during the anthem, yet later recognized that students who challenge racism and racial discrimina­tion are strongly in line with Catholic teaching.

Yet while some schools recognize that high school sports are an extension of the classroom and therefore actions such as taking a knee during the anthem generate the ability to have meaningful discussion among high school communitie­s, other school leaders see this as an opportunit­y to condemn. Many adults say social justice is about “all students” when, in fact, these silent protests are about representi­ng the voices of marginaliz­ed students who don’t have equitable means of survival.

Social justice isn’t about equality. It’s also not about uniformity. When a student takes a knee, he or she is choosing to challenge a violent societal norm. As adults, it makes many of us uncomforta­ble as we decide what’s right behavior for our young people. We do so based on our beliefs and our own biases. The America we learn about in school is built on justice and the fundamenta­l right to choose. Yet, when our students make a choice, not because they do not value our military, but because they wish to protest injustice, our first inclinatio­n is to punish them?

It is due time we start embracing a spectrum of thinking that is uncomforta­ble to so many of us. These protests are a good thing. Here’s the reality: Their recognitio­n of social justice issues proves our students are paying attention. In an age of supposed apathy and social media induced isolation, students are engaged. They’re taking notice of what is happening, and they are having conversati­ons they’ve never had before with us and with each other.

Too often we have seen adults treat these silent protests as a hindrance. A problem. A roadblock to what we do. What every adult needs to do is treat these protests as an opportunit­y. An opportunit­y to talk. An opportunit­y to listen. An opportunit­y to grow. From the lens of an educator, we need only look back to 1968, when Olympic athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos gave a raised-fist “black power” salute on the medal stand in Mexico City as the Star-Spangled Banner was being played. The Australian sprinter Peter Norman stood in solidarity, an “Olympic Project for Human Rights” badge pinned to his jacket. They were thrown out of the Olympics and Norman’s career was effectivel­y ended. Fortynine years later, students are engaged and empowered, and they need us to stand up and take notice. To stand, or kneel, in solidarity with their efforts to make choices and to try to change the world. These are complex issues during complex times, and it’s now more than ever that our schools need to use this opportunit­y for active engagement and courageous conversati­on.

Our students are counting on us.

Social justice isn’t about equality. It’s also not about uniformity.

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