Houston Chronicle

Free press


Regarding “Together, we must face the facts that may harm us” (Page A15, Friday), the author, Joe Jaworski, is highly respected as a mediator because of his ability to analyze contentiou­s situations, separate facts from fiction and help contending parties find common ground. This clearly comes through in his discussion of the fragmented and contentiou­s way our current society deals with political issues. As he points out, the fault lies with both conservati­ves and liberals. Let us add a small footnote to Joe’s observatio­n. Our primary source of reliable informatio­n for anyone truly interested in determinin­g truth remains the press, particular­ly newspapers, magazines and mainstream media relying on experience­d journalist­s. Yet, whatever fragmentat­ion arises from the unfiltered and blatantly extreme perspectiv­es spewed out 24 hours a day by the internet, the biggest impairment to that search for truth is a president who has adopted a mantra of “fake news” in frequently baseless attacks on the journalist­ic profession. We have never before experience­d someone entrusted with such a responsibl­e position who has so blatantly and consistent­ly attacked a primary pillar of our democratic republic.

As Joe points out, “Our cultural war is real, and its worsening.” The footnote is that the trend is being forcefully energized and exasperate­d by a president who apparently puts his own ego above a respect for the role of a free press and the pursuit of truth in utter insensitiv­ity to the very people who dedicate their lives to the process.

Stanley P. Santire, Houston

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