Houston Chronicle

Consumer watchdog chief puts agency under review

Mulvaney may seek to undo Obama-era financial regulation­s

- By Ken Sweet

NEW YORK — The Trumpappoi­nted acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said Wednesday that he is launching a review of all the federal consumer watchdog agency’s policies and priorities.

It’s the second major step taken this week by Mick Mulvaney, who took over as acting director in late November, to reshape the bureau. On Tuesday, the bureau announced a review of its recently enacted rules for payday lending.

The review is the clearest sign yet that the future direction and role of the CFPB, which has existed for less than a decade, will be dramatical­ly different than it was under the Obama administra­tion.

In a statement Wednesday, Mulvaney said he is publishing formal requests for informatio­n for all “enforcemen­t, supervisio­n, rulemaking, market monitoring, and education activities” of the bureau, effectivel­y the entire bureau’s operations. Requests for informatio­n are a beginning step by federal agencies such as the CFPB to make changes to any rules they may have already put into place. Critical examinatio­n

“In this New Year, and under new leadership, it is natural for the bureau to critically examine its policies and practices to ensure they align with the bureau’s statutory mandate,” Mulvaney said.

The CFPB was created in the aftermath of the housing market bubble, 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent Great Recession. It was the brainchild of Elizabeth Warren, who at the time was a Harvard University law professor, and now is a U.S. senator from Massachuse­tts. It was designed as a consumerce­ntric federal regulator with a mandate to go after banks, credit card companies, debt collectors and other financial companies for bad behavior.

Under its first permanent director, Richard Cordray, the CFPB exercised its mandate aggressive­ly, putting into place new regulation­s impacting huge swaths of the banking industry from mortgages to prepaid debit cards.

Cordray and the CFPB got high praise from Democrats, the Obama White House and consumer advocacy groups, but at the same time made enemies with Republican­s in Congress, who would call the CFPB a rogue agency. One of those Congressio­nal Republican­s was Mulvaney, who as a Republican representa­tive from South Carolina, once called the CFPB a “sick joke” of an agency. Effort could take years

What rules Mulvaney wants to review, tweak or repeal is unknown. His announceme­nt Wednesday was broad, aimed at the entire operations of the bureau. The first request for informatio­n seeks comment on the bureau’s use of what are known as civil investigat­ive demands, which act like warrants by giving the bureau the authority to look through a company’s records when wrongdoing is suspected.

Mulvaney has already announced the bureau will take a second look at its payday lending rules, which were finalized late last year under Cordray. He has also called for a limit to how much personal informatio­n on consumers the bureau collects as part of its operations, which critics have said has stymied the bureau’s ability do its job.

Warren, in an emailed statement, said it’s clear Mulvaney wants to dismantle the CFPB. She said 29 million Americans have recovered $12 billion thanks to the bureau’s efforts, and she hopes “every single one of them writes to tell Mulvaney they want an agency that keeps fighting for them.”

While the CFPB’s director has broad powers on what he or she chooses to enforce or prioritize, it could take years for a Trumpcontr­olled CFPB to undo the regulation­s put in place under the Obama administra­tion.

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