Houston Chronicle

High court delays order for N.C. to redraw maps


RALEIGH, N.C. — The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday delayed a lower-court order that would have forced North Carolina Republican lawmakers to redraw the state’s congressio­nal districts by next week.

The justices announced the stay after legal briefs were filed for and against the GOP legislator­s’ request for a delay. Their lawyers successful­ly argued that a three-judge panel’s ruling last week declaring the state congressio­nal map an illegal partisan gerrymande­r should be on hold while similar cases involving Wisconsin legislativ­e districts and one Maryland congressio­nal district before the Supreme Court are considered. The court has never declared that the process of redistrict­ing can be too partisan.

Voter advocacy groups and Democratic voters who sued over the map — heavily weighted toward Republican­s in a closely divided state — argued no delay was necessary because it would be struck down however the justices rule in the other cases.

The Supreme Court’s order said the delay remains in place while the case is appealed. The request was considered by the entire court, and Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor would have denied the request for the delay, according to the order.

A lawyer for the League of Women Voters, although disappoint­ed with the decision, said she was optimistic that the Supreme Court would rule that partisan gerrymande­ring was unconstitu­tional.

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