Houston Chronicle

Senate unable to end impasse

Furloughs in store as shutdown enters workweek


WASHINGTON — Senators failed Sunday to reach an agreement to end the government shutdown, ensuring that hundreds of thousands of federal employees would be furloughed Monday morning even as the outlines of a potential compromise came into focus.

For much of the day, feverish work by a bipartisan group of senators offered a reason for cautious optimism that a deal could be reached soon. By Sunday night, Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, moved to delay until noon Monday a procedural vote on a temporary spending bill — a signal that talks were progressin­g.

In a gesture to the bipartisan group as it seeks assurances that the Senate will address the fate of hundreds of thousands of young undocument­ed immigrants, McConnell said he intended to move ahead with immigratio­n legislatio­n next month if the issue had not been resolved by then.

Senate Democrats gave no immediate sign that they would get on board with the temporary spending bill, leaving open the possibilit­y of another failed vote on Monday that could further deepen the partisan divide in the chamber. Any deal would most likely need the support of at least a dozen Senate Democrats, since the chamber’s procedural rules require 60 votes.

“We have yet to reach an agreement on a path forward that is acceptable to both sides,” the Democratic leader, Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, said after McConnell’s remarks.

The best hope for a breakthrou­gh appeared to reside with the group of about 20 senators from both parties who met throughout the weekend to try to hammer out a compromise to present to McConnell and Schumer.

The group was discussing a plan in which the government would stay open through early February, to be coupled with a promise that the Senate would tackle the issue of immigratio­n in the coming weeks. Several members signaled optimism on Sunday afternoon, but it remained to be seen if they could nudge Schumer and McConnell to reach an agreement, particular­ly over what such a promise might look like.

“There are, I think, people from both parties of good will who want to have a framework for us to move forward to address all of these issues,” Sen. Chris Coons, Democrat of Delaware, said Sunday evening. “But at this point, it is in the hands of leadership, and I really hope they are going to find a way forward.”

A major lingering question was how a compromise might pave the way for passage of legislatio­n to protect the young undocument­ed immigrants known as Dreamers. Their status is in jeopardy after President Trump moved last year to end an Obama-era program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, that shields them from deportatio­n. Trump gave Congress until early March to find a resolution to the issue.

For as long as the government is closed, the White House has said it will not entertain demands on immigratio­n. Senators in the bipartisan group proceeded anyway in discussing a compromise in which there would be some kind of promise that the Senate would address immigratio­n in the coming weeks.

“We want to see a commitment to take up immigratio­n, with a belief that we’ll get to a good result for Dreamers,” said Senator Tim Kaine, Democrat of Virginia.

Sen. Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said it was best for Trump to let the Senate work out its own solution.

“I just don’t think it helps for him to be involved at all right now,” he said.

So-called nuclear option

The talk of promised action on immigratio­n raised its own questions, including whether a pledge from McConnell would be a significan­t enough assurance for Senate Democrats who are worried about the fate of the Dreamers. For instance, a promise of a Senate vote on a stand-alone immigratio­n bill would still leave the possibilit­y that the measure would die in the House, potentiall­y leaving the DACA issue un- resolved.

In a reflection of the frustratio­n on both sides, Trump, who has largely stayed out of negotiatio­ns since the government shut down early Saturday, began the day by advising Senate Republican­s to use the so-called nuclear option to change Senate rules and cut Democrats out of the process if necessary.

“If stalemate continues, Republican­s should go to 51% (Nuclear Option) and vote on real, long term budget, no C.R.’s!” he wrote on Twitter, adding an attack on Democrats.

“Great to see how hard Republican­s are fighting for our Military and Safety at the Border. The Dems just want illegal immigrants to pour into our nation unchecked.”

Leaders from both parties quickly dismissed the idea, but Democrats wasted no time in pointing the finger back at Trump.

Schumer’s 11th-hour negotiatio­ns with Trump on Friday have proved to be a focal point for both parties as they have cast blame. On Sunday, Schumer said that during the White House meeting, Trump had “picked a number” that he wanted in order to fund a border wall and that Schumer had accepted in exchange for protection­s for Dreamers. Hours later, he said, the White House walked away from a tentative agreement.

“I essentiall­y agreed to give the president something he has said he wants, in exchange for something we both want,” Schumer said on the Senate floor. “The president must take yes for an answer. Until he does, it’s the Trump


McConnell has proposed a temporary spending bill that would expire on Feb. 8, about a week earlier than the date set in a bill passed last week by the House.

The proposed Feb. 8 expiration date was designed to at least partially accommodat­e a demand by Democrats, who are mindful of preserving what leverage they have, that any temporary funding extension be shorter than the House proposal. But the more significan­t piece of any possible deal to end the shutdown would be what other strings are attached — particular­ly when it comes to the politicall­y contentiou­s issue of immigratio­n.

Representa­tives watch, wait

Senators in the bipartisan group had made clear on Sunday that they were eager to bring about an end to the crisis, knowing that they were working against the clock. “Resolution gets more difficult the longer we wait,” said Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, Democrat of North Dakota.

Lawmakers in the House, who had been scheduled to recess for the week, were mostly left to watch and wait as their Senate colleagues tried to come together.

Speaker Paul Ryan said Sunday that House Republican­s had agreed to pass McConnell’s stopgap proposal if it made it out of the Senate. The onus of ending the shutdown, he said, was on Senate Democrats, and he urged them to vote to reopen the government and then restart separate immigratio­n negotiatio­ns.

 ?? Eric Thayer / New York Times ?? U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, sounded a pessimisti­c note early Sunday evening, predicting the government would remain shut down on Monday despite efforts to strike a deal.
Eric Thayer / New York Times U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, sounded a pessimisti­c note early Sunday evening, predicting the government would remain shut down on Monday despite efforts to strike a deal.

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