Houston Chronicle

Trump’s wall should be leverage on immigratio­n

Jonah Goldberg says the president’s key campaign promise is ineffectiv­e, and there are other, better ways to strengthen security along the border.


The Democrats’ crusade to force a government shutdown in order to win permanent protection­s for “Dreamers” went down in flames Monday. The price extracted by Democrats was meager compared to what they wanted. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., merely agreed to allow a floor debate on immigratio­n, which he said he’d have done anyway. But this compromise does guarantee that we will now get a “clean” immigratio­n debate, and therein lies an opportunit­y for a big win — though President Donald Trump may not like it.

Last week, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly reportedly angered the president in an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier. Among Kelly’s transgress­ions, he said that the president had been “uninformed” in his thinking about the wall during the campaign and that Trump’s views had “evolved” beyond some mammoth monument on the southern border.

The president repudiated his chief of staff, saying on Twitter, “The Wall is the Wall, it has never changed or evolved from the first day I conceived of it.”

It’s true that the president’s thinking on immigratio­n has changed many times. He once favored a “deportatio­n force” and a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”

But Trump has said many times that the wall needn’t be one contiguous barrier spanning the entire border. On the general idea, he’s been implacable. And that’s a problem.

There’s a reason Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., and other Democrats are willing to trade initial funding or authorizat­ion for a wall in exchange for help on the Dreamer question. They understand that even under the best circumstan­ces it will take years to build a wall, and many of them are already on the record for supporting beefed-up border security. And, if Democrats take back the House in 2018, they can turn the thing into a white elephant.

The problem with the wall is not necessaril­y that it’s a bad idea. It’s that it has become a symbol detached from policy considerat­ions. An old friend of mine once had a painting company in college. Their unofficial motto was, “We may be slow, but we’re expensive.” That could be the motto of the wall, too.

Meanwhile, there are faster and more effective ways to deal with the problem of illegal immigratio­n and the drugs “pouring” into our country, which mostly comes through legal ports anyway.

Most serious immigratio­n restrictio­nists favor enhanced border security and want some more physical barriers, but ultimately their support for the Trump wall is a political priority, not a policy one. They’d much rather see the president trade a Dreamer fix for cheaper and more effective solutions to the problem of illegal immigratio­n, as well as reform of the legal immigratio­n system. Top of the list: mandatory EVerify, a program by which employers can check on the immigratio­n status of job-seekers.

That’s because the biggest driver of illegal immigratio­n isn’t on the supply side; it’s on the demand side. Immigrants, legal and illegal, come to America primarily to work. They stay because their employers, many of them Republican­s, don’t care or don’t ask about immigratio­n status. Democratic politician­s, particular­ly in sanctuary cities, want to keep it that way.

The wall, in theory, would stop illegal border crossings from Mexico, but it wouldn’t do anything about people who come here legally and then simply overstay their visas — about 42 percent of immigrants in the country illegally.

“Though there are parts of the border where better barriers are needed, universal E-Verify would probably do more to cut illegal immigratio­n,” Mark Krikorian, the executive director of the Center for Immigratio­n Studies, told me. “It would weaken the jobs magnet, which is what attracts both border infiltrato­rs and visa over-stayers — the wall is irrelevant to over-stayers.”

Unlike the wall, Krikorian notes, “EVerify wouldn’t cost much, if anything, since the IT infrastruc­ture is already in place to handle all new hires.”

If Trump wanted a clear — and immediate — win on illegal immigratio­n, he’d evolve and recognize that the wall’s greatest utility might be as a bargaining chip.

Goldberg is an editor-at-large of National Review Online.

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