Houston Chronicle

Texas delegation in D.C. loses at Harvey recovery

- By Chris Hooks Hooks is an Austin-based writer.

Let’s say for a moment that over Christmas, you got a very bad gift — the most boring board game in existence, Texas Congressio­nal Delegation. In it, you are a team captain, manipulati­ng your pieces — Ted Cruz and Henry Cuellar and Louie Gohmert, et al — to do good for the state in D.C.

Though it might not be a stimulatin­g subject for a role-playing game, it is tremendous­ly important, and it created the place you live in. At the beginning of the 20th century, Texans were isolated, uneducated dirt farmers. A significan­t part of why that changed, from the constructi­on of dams that provided electricit­y to the Hill Country to the space program to our hightech sector, is federal help, obtained by the state’s representa­tives in Washington.

Your role in the game is to continue that. The state needs many things right now, and some of them are quite complicate­d, like changes to immigratio­n and trade policy. But your first task is quite easy. Last year, one of the most expensive natural disasters in American history hit Houston, the fourth-largest city in the country and a key economic engine for the state. If Houston recovers poorly, the state suffers. And many people will suffer — more than 1 in 5 Texans lives in the Houston area.

This is a no-brainer: Open the federal spigot and let relief money pour in. Then, keep it pouring, because Houston’s infrastruc­ture needs considerab­le upgrades before the next storm. This is what good congressio­nal delegation­s do — they fight for a piece of the pie for their constituen­ts. After Hurricane Sandy, both parties worked together to airdrop cash into New Jersey and New York — funding that included needed infrastruc­ture improvemen­ts for areas vulnerable to rising sea levels and bolstered federal agencies involved in storm warning and response.

It’s also hard to think of an easier task for you to accomplish. The first thing that ought to be working in your favor is that D.C. is completely controlled by the Republican Party, and Texas is by far the most important Republican state. Texas has been unceasingl­y loyal to the GOP for a quarter of a century. Texas congressme­n and women are ideally situated in every wing of the party, which means that you should hypothetic­ally be able to get just about anything you want.

One senator, John Cornyn, is a veteran lawmaker who has held senior leadership positions, and the other, Cruz, has good ties with the party’s right. The House is filled with senior Texas Republican­s who’ve been there for years and know where every bathroom is in the Capitol, and quite a few of them are now retiring, which means they have an opportunit­y to go the extra distance.

So, shoot the moon. Disaster relief should be a breeze — let’s build that Ike Dike. Summon up some scratch for Houston’s creaky reservoir system. Get Mayor Sylvester Turner’s shopping list and the state Legislatur­e’s and load up. In a previous generation, that might have been how it worked out.

Instead, in the real world, everything’s getting fumbled, and the state has been consistent­ly disrespect­ed by the Trump administra­tion and the rest of Congress. Texas originally asked for $61 billion of disaster aid, as a starting point. The Trump administra­tion proposed only $44 billion — to be split among Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico. It was a slap in the face for the state, compounded by Trump spokespers­on Sarah Huckabee Sanders blaming Texas for not coming up with more money in-state. Even Gov. Greg Abbott characteri­zed the Texas congressio­nal delegation as “let(ting) themselves be rolled by the House of Representa­tives.”

In December, the House passed an $81 billion relief package, still split between several disaster areas. The bill was seen as a defeat for Texas, but Abbott nonetheles­s expressed hope the bill would pass the Senate by the end of Christmas break. It did not. Some hoped the funding would pass as part of last week’s budget talks, but it got kicked out. It remains unclear when it will come back again.

It would be surprising if Congress didn’t pass Harvey relief at all, and it’s possible it passes this week. What’s truly discouragi­ng about this fight has been how much the Texas delegation has had to fight to meet this, the lowest possible bar. If it takes three full months of palace intrigue to deliver meager hurricane aid, it seems extraordin­arily doubtful Texas’ current representa­tives will ever be able to muster the political will it takes to make the substantiv­e, wish-list investment­s in Texas that the state needs.

I’m writing this column using electricit­y generated by the Lower Colorado River Authority dams, the result of massive federal investment in the early 20th century. The money spent on those dams, a boon obtained by much drama and more than a little corruption in Austin and Washington, wasn’t necessaril­y sensible or “efficient,” in our modern sense. It was the result of politician­s looking at a poor and benighted place and imagining what could be. The politician­s we have now seem barely capable of managing what is.

But more than that, Texas is being treated to a poor return on its investment in the Republican Party. The state has been the foundation of Republican presidenti­al bids for years, and so with it, the reason for the party’s control of the Supreme Court, even more crucial. If this is what we’re getting for it, we ought to be embarrasse­d. Or they ought to be. Or both of us.

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