Houston Chronicle

Let’s get tougher on sex crimes

- By Greg Abbott

Texans have the right to be safe and secure in their own communitie­s and to be afforded the dignity and freedom that human life demands.

However, innocent lives are being violated every day in the most heinous ways by sexual predators and human trafficker­s. In many of these cases, the victims are being denied the justice they deserve.

According to a University of Texas study, more than 300,000 people in our state are victims of human traffickin­g, including 79,000 minors.

Texas cannot and will not tolerate the most vulnerable in our society being exploited by criminals and predators. That is why I have released a plan to protect victims and survivors, help prevent these despicable acts and punish the individual­s who commit these crimes.

This starts with strengthen­ing penalties for those promoting prostituti­on.

In Texas, a conviction for compelling prostituti­on by force, threat or fraud requires time behind bars. However, the crime of promotion of prostituti­on — which can include owning, investing in or managing a prostituti­on enterprise — does not mandate jail or prison time.

This gap in the law is particular­ly apparent in Harris County. One report found that from June 2014 to December 2016, two-thirds of individual­s charged with sex-traffickin­g crimes in Harris County received probation instead of jail or prison time.

We can no longer allow those who prey on and exploit individual­s to go free with a slap on the wrist.

I am calling for an end to this practice by changing the law so that criminals who engage in promoting prostituti­on are required to serve time behind bars and to register as the sex offenders they are. By mending this gap in the law, we will ensure that the punishment matches the offense, as well as prevent these individual­s from repeating this abhorrent crime.

It is also critical that we do more to deliver justice for those who are victims and survivors of rape and sexual assault. To do this, Texas must eliminate the backlog of untested sexual assault evidence kits. According to some estimates, there are more than 15,000 of these untested kits in our state.

Not only does this backlog of untested rape kits hold the potential to deny justice for survivors of rape and sexual assault, but it also hinders efforts to prosecute alleged offenders before they commit more crimes.

It’s time to fix this injustice. So I am furthermor­e calling on the state to provide $14 million in funding next session to eliminate this backlog. To kick-start this effort, my office will direct $1 million to the Texas Department of Public Safety. The Texas DPS will use this grant to partner with the University of North Texas to immediatel­y begin work on eliminatin­g the backlog of evidence kits.

Lastly, we must root out predatory behavior throughout our society, including in our state government. That means strengthen­ing the process of investigat­ing sexual assault and harassment claims made against state public officials.

For state agencies and boards, allegation­s of sexual assault or harassment are reported to the Texas Workforce Commission. In the Legislatur­e, these allegation­s are reported to the administra­tion of the specific legislativ­e chamber.

This creates a potential conflict of interest and leaves the investigat­ion of these serious allegation­s in the hands of those who do not have the proper training or expertise.

Under my plan, sexual assault and sexual harassment claims against elected state officials, agency directors and members of boards, legislator­s, capitol employees and those in the governor’s office will be reported to the Texas Rangers.

This will ensure that allegation­s of sexual assault and sexual misconduct are fairly and thoroughly investigat­ed, while also empowering victims to come forward without fear of retributio­n at their job.

Above all else, the primary responsibi­lity of government is to keep our citizens safe. It’s time to send a clear message that the physical violation of children, the powerless, the vulnerable and, indeed, any Texan, will never be tolerated.

With this plan, we will protect victims and survivors, prevent more of these crimes from occurring and punish the criminals who commit these heinous acts.

Abbott is governor of Texas.

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