Houston Chronicle


Good dental care important factor for general health


W hen most senior citizens think about their overall health, the first things that come to mind are eating well and exercising.

However, one of the most important parts of seniors’ overall health that is easy to overlook is good dental care. Good dental care is more important in later years due to problems that can occur during aging.

“Our mouths are a large part of our health,” said Dr. Fowzia Hakym, DMD, DDS, with Lumina Dental Spa in River Oaks.

Also, what goes into your mouth goes into your body, and how you take of your mouth determines overall health.

Dental blogger Shen Chao summed up the problems of the lack of dental care, stating that poor dental care can cause heart disease, pneumonia, diabetes, gum disease, dry mouth, root decay, uneven jawbone, denture-induced stomatitis and oral cancer.

“The lack of dental care can also cause high blood pressure. Bacteria is always in our mouths. Forty percent of the bacteria that moves into our body comes from the mouth. Yet, when there are gum disease or pockets around your gums, more virulent types of bacteria form that can get into your bloodstrea­m. When this plaque gets into the bloodstrea­m, it causes inflammati­on inside of the vessel and the vessel shrinks. So there is less blood flow, which raises blood pressure and can cause blood clots and strokes,” Hakym said.

Moreover, when there is bacteria in the bloodstrea­m, it causes a low-level infection. When the body is fighting this infection, it makes it very difficult to control blood sugar levels.

“So we have to fight the gum disease first, before we can treat the blood sugar levels,” Hakym said.

One item on the list that often shocks many people is that severe gum disease can thwart your body’s ability to use insulin and can cause diabetes.

Diabetes and high blood sugar can increase gum infections. So, if you have diabetes or not, it is very important to have regular dental checkups, at least twice a year, and watch your glucose levels.

As we age, many seniors lose their teeth due to the lack of good dental care.

“If we cannot chew our food properly, then we do not receive the nutrients in the food, and that can cause malnutriti­on. Many seniors who have lost their teeth end up eating food that is not as nutritious because they cannot chew,” Hakym said.

One problem many senior citizens face when it comes to dental care is the lack of insurance coverage, or the limited coverage by Medicare. However, there are many low-cost insurance dental policies just for senior citizens. They can be found by searching the internet for policies in your area.

Another problem senior citizens have is with medication­s that dry out their mouths. Saliva helps protect our teeth from decay or infections by keeping bacteria at bay. A dry mouth can cause gum disease and other problems in the mouth. If this is the case, drink water throughout the day, chew gum or have small piece of sugar-free candy to help increase saliva, and look for mouthwashe­s just for dry mouth. Also, remember that coffee and alcohol can add to dry mouth.

Pneumonia also can be a side effect of poor oral health, since as we breathe, germs in the mouth can go into the lungs. A Journal of the American Dental Associatio­n study stated that dental care actually could prevent deaths, as one in 10 senior citizens in nursing homes dies from the effects of pneumonia.

When it comes to heart disease, there are many contradict­ory studies, but one thing all the studies agreed upon was that they are related, but to what extent is unclear. Keeping your mouth and teeth clean is important, so be sure to clean your dentures daily, brush your teeth after each meal or snack, and floss.

The American Dental Associatio­n’s Mouthhealt­hy.org lists a number of tips and informatio­n for those 60 and over, such as informatio­n about oral cancer. It’s important to be aware of the following signs and symptoms and to see your dentist if they do not disappear after two weeks:

• A sore or irritation,

• Red or white patches,

• Pain, tenderness or numbness in mouth or lips,

• Lump,

• Thickening,

• Rough spot,

• Crust or small eroded area,

• Difficulty chewing, swallowing, speaking or moving your tongue or jaw, and

• Change in the way your teeth fit together when you close your mouth.

Some people complain of a sore throat, feeling like something is caught in their throat, numbness, hoarseness or a change in voice. If you have any of these symptoms, let your dentist know as soon as possible.

Also, it matters what you eat. For example, ice is for chilling, not chewing. Watch your citrus intake, if you drink coffee or tea do not add sugar and drink a lot of water afterward, dried fruit and other sticky foods stay on and in your teeth for a long time so be sure and floss and brush, crunchy things like potato chips that are a starch and stay in your teeth and can get in your gums so brush afterward, and limit the number of sodas and alcohol, as these add to a dry mouth that causes cavities and gum disease.

Exercising and watching what you eat are always a good idea, so just add to your plan to take care of your mouth and teeth, for a happier and healthier future.

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