Houston Chronicle

Through their eyes

Whether they’re first-timers at the OTC or veterans, attendees offer their take on the conference.

- By Ilene Bassler

Ken Richardson, executive vice president of global offshore at American Bureau of Shipping, known as ABS, has been attending the Offshore Technology Conference since 1986. Richardson joined ABS in 1982 as an engineer in the machinery department.

ABS, headquarte­red in Houston, sets standards for safety, design, constructi­on and operation of marine and offshore assets and delivers survey and engineerin­g services to clients in 70 countries. He recently spoke with the Chronicle about the changes at OTC and in the offshore industry during his 30 years of attending the conference. Edited excerpts follow.

Q: What does ABS do? A: We work with clients on compliance and operationa­l efficiency of their assets, with a focus on safety and efficiency. On the offshore side of our business, this includes offshore fixed platforms, offshore floating, production platforms and offshore exploratio­n or drilling units, and offshore supply vessels.

Q: Do you often find new technologi­es at the OTC that support future offshore developmen­ts?

A: Some years more than others. During the 50-year lifespan of OTC, ABS has been involved in delivering a succession of offshore industry technologi­cal firsts. Some examples include: the first mobile offshore drilling unit, the first production spar, the first semisubmer­sible offshore wind turbine, and the first offshore support vessel in Gulf of Mexico to use hybrid power.

Q: How has the OTC changed since the mid-’80s, when you first started attending?

A: For one, the mix of exhibits has changed. In earlier years, the OTC was more focused on drilling, drilling contractor­s, and smaller vendors. The industry was in a slow period during the mid-’80s. OTC reflected the pickup in business in the early ’90s with more exhibits from larger vendors and a more diverse and robust technical program. Technology has always been the focus. But the number of papers and the diversity of topics in those papers has evolved significan­tly. And of course, the show changed venues in 2002 from the Astrodome to NRG Park.

Q: What are your favorite and least favorite parts of the OTC?

A: My least favorite part is standing in the booth for hours. My favorite part is meeting people and catching up with acquaintan­ces and friends who I haven’t seen in a while. The conference draws many people who’ve been in this industry for a long time, and various companies put on receptions with interestin­g crowds of people. That’s very enjoyable.

Q: How has the offshore oil and gas industry changed over the years?

A: The primary theme in offshore over the last 15 to 20 years is taking advantage of reserves in deeper water. In the last few years, not only have reserves been deeper, but they are also much more complex. They’ve required the developmen­t of new technologi­es, designs and structures.

Q: How is business in the marine and offshore sectors right now?

A: The marine transporta­tion sector, and the offshore production and exploratio­n sectors, are a little depressed. The drop in oil prices had a significan­t impact on many offshore projects. Delaying large projects impacts the drilling rig market, which impacts the offshore supply market. The entire offshore market has been struggling for around two years.

Last year, attendance at the OTC was down significan­tly. It will be interestin­g to see if the mood at the OTC this year is as subdued as it was last year.

Q: Are you optimistic? A: We’re cautiously optimistic. 2018 probably won’t improve significan­tly. 2019 might be better. It’s hard to tell.

Q: Are you preparing for an upturn in the offshore sector?

A: Yes. There is a shortage of experience­d people in the industry because of its cyclical nature. More activity is being devoted to training young people. At ABS, we’re going through the process of hiring new graduates out of various technical schools and putting them in a year or longer training program. The idea is to train younger people and keep them moving through the organizati­on. Many oil companies and large manufactur­ers are also training more people.

 ?? Jon Shapley / Houston Chronicle ?? Ken Richardson is vice president of global offshore at American Bureau of Shipping.
Jon Shapley / Houston Chronicle Ken Richardson is vice president of global offshore at American Bureau of Shipping.

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