Houston Chronicle

A&M’s new coach is continuing the battle against rare blood disease in Texas.

Coach’s 13-year-old son Ethan battling rare blood disease

- brent.zwerneman@chron.com twitter.com/brentzwern­eman

COLLEGE STATION — Like every other football-loving Texas A&M fan, Jimbo Fisher is counting down the days to kickoff at Kyle Field (a little more than 100).

Another countdown, too, owns Fisher’s rapt attention, one with an even greater sense of urgency for the new A&M coach, because its expiration means the end of a Gulf of Mexico-sized separation from his youngest son. “My little one is mad he’s not already over here,” Fisher said of 13-year-old Ethan.

Fisher’s oldest son, Trey, already has moved to College Station from Tallahasse­e, Fla., where Fisher was the head coach at Florida State from 2010-17. Trey, a quarterbac­k, is enrolled at A&M Consolidat­ed and will be a junior next year.

Ethan is finishing out his school year in Tallahasse­e and then joining his brother and father. By his delighted dad’s account, Ethan will soon after his arrival have a fishing rod in one hand, a gun in the other, and perhaps a football cradled between his elbow and ribs.

“He loves to hunt, fish, be outside and play ball,” Fisher said of the wide-open spaces Ethan soon plans to enjoy in and around Brazos County. “Ball, hunting and fishing — that would be the definition of Texas, wouldn’t it?”

Ethan’s competitiv­eness is at least on par with his father’s, based on the way the just-turned-teenager has battled the blood disease Fanconi anemia, which leads to bone marrow failure.

Charity relocating to Texas

The rare malady “prevents bone marrow from making enough new blood cells for the body to work normally,” according to the University of Minnesota’s Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transporta­tion Center. Ethan makes at least one trip annually to the University of Minnesota, along with multiple visits annually in Florida (and soon to be Texas) to treat the disease. Fisher and his former wife, Candi, are in the process of shifting their Kidz1stFun­d, a charity the Fishers started following Ethan’s diagnosis in 2011, from Tallahasse­e to College Station.

“Getting that establishe­d over here is going to be critical,” Fisher said.

The fund has donated $5 million in the past six years to the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Children’s Hospital, and thanks to those funds, the university, for instance, bought a “Prodigy” machine that “helps discover whether it’s possible and safe to treat and prevent life-threatenin­g viral infections in Fanconi anemia patients undergoing transplant­ation,” according to the Kidz1stFun­d website.

Impacts 1 in 130,000 in U.S.

The shift of Kidz1stFun­d to College Station will be complete this summer according to Kirstin Rayborn, the fund’s executive director who along with her family and Candi Fisher all are making the move to Brazos County.

“We’ll continue to fundraise nationally, and really, worldwide, and our office will be based in College Station,” Rayborn said.

Fanconi anemia impacts one of every 130,000 Americans, and symptoms range from heart problems to abnormalit­ies of the limbs, according to Kidz1stFun­d.

“While no two cases of Fanconi anemia are the same, one fact continues to hold true — every person with (the disease) will … eventually require a bone marrow transplant in order for them to survive,” the Kidz1stFun­d website claims.

Twenty-three years ago, one in seven Fanconi anemia patients survived a donor bone marrow transplant. Now it’s six out of seven, according to Kidz1stFun­d. In addition, life expectancy for those with Fanconi anemia has been on the rise and currently is about 33 years.

“We’re the largest individual fundraiser for that disease in the world,” a proud Jimbo Fisher said of his family’s ongoing fight against Fanconi anemia.

As for Ethan, the handsome and lively youth keeps pressing on as a fine example of flourishin­g under adverse conditions, as his folks and extended family continue fighting the good fight.

“Ethan’s appointmen­t in March went really well,” Rayborn said of the youngster’s most recent visit to Minnesota. “He’s a rock star. His resiliency is amazing.”

To donate to Kidz1stFun­d or to learn more about the disease and the Fisher family’s ongoing fight, visit kidz1stfun­d.com.

 ?? Courtesy photo ?? Jimbo Fisher's son Ethan (camouflage hat) joins his dad on the field at College Station.
Courtesy photo Jimbo Fisher's son Ethan (camouflage hat) joins his dad on the field at College Station.

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