Houston Chronicle

Sistine Chapel exhibit downtown

Photo display of Michelange­lo’s work is giant art lesson

- By Molly Glentzer

Let’s make it clear from the get-go: The life-size photo reproducti­ons of frescoes from the Sistine Chapel, on view through July at the Corinthian event space downtown, are not art. They are displays that offer lessons on art history and stories from the Bible.

Producer Martin Biallas said almost as much to kids and parents from Sugar Creek Christian Home Educators during a preview the day before Friday’s public opening, as the panels were still being installed.

Biallas told a reporter he was compelled to create this show after visiting the Sistine Chapel five years ago. “It was stuffy, noisy and they push you through in 20 minutes,” he explained. “And the frescoes are so far away, they look like postage stamps.”

He wanted to offer an experience where people could gain a better sense of the frescoes size, close-up, in pleasant surroundin­gs with no time limit. Circumvent­ing the Vatican’s strict photograph­y rules, he acquired images that were licensed by Bridgeman Images, which splits royalties with the Vatican.

Biallas initially got some elaborate warning letters, hand-stamped and sent through snail mail, from the Vatican, he said. “They weren’t too happy, but now the Church is embracing it.”

His company, Special Entertainm­ent Events, also has pro-

duced touring shows based on the Titanic, “Star Wars,” King Tut and Frida Kahlo. By comparison, a Michelange­lo exhibit is no blockbuste­r, he said. But it’s been successful enough to justify three touring units — one in the U.S., one in Europe and one in China.

The nonprofit organizati­on Brilliant Lectures, which has an educationa­l mission, brought the show to Houston.

The reproducti­ons have a nice setting, hanging between the beautiful marble columns of the Corinthian. Visitors can take an audio-guide tour that lasts an hour and a half, or just read the labels in front of each piece, which explain the stories of the biblical characters depicted.

Jennifer Triplett, the home educators’ art teacher, said the first thing her students paint is “The Creation of Adam” on the undersides of their desks — so they understand the challenges Michelange­lo and his crew faced.

She was thrilled to be able to give them a view of the frescoes in a setting far more dynamic than the pages of a book. “When you can’t bring your class to Rome, you bring Rome to your class,” she said. “But this is really better than a trip to Rome.”

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 ?? Jon Shapley / Houston Chronicle ?? “Michelange­lo’s Sistine Chapel” uses photo reproducti­ons to show the size and scope of the artist’s work.
Jon Shapley / Houston Chronicle “Michelange­lo’s Sistine Chapel” uses photo reproducti­ons to show the size and scope of the artist’s work.
 ?? Jon Shapley / Houston Chronicle ?? Visitors to the “Michelange­lo’s Sistine Chapel” exhibit at the Corinthian look up at the photo reproducti­ons.
Jon Shapley / Houston Chronicle Visitors to the “Michelange­lo’s Sistine Chapel” exhibit at the Corinthian look up at the photo reproducti­ons.

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