Houston Chronicle

Dog park an eyesore no more

Canines, owners rejoice in reopening of Allen Parkway spot damaged by Harvey

- By Victoria Cheyne

The joyous sounds of dogs splashing and bounding through the grass on Monday were heard for the first time in months on Allen Parkway. After being closed to the public since Hurricane Harvey, Johnny Steele Dog Park opened its gates to neighbors and their four-legged friends, unveiling new features and a more flood-resistant infrastruc­ture.

The area for dogs, located in Buffalo Bayou Park, reopened after undergoing months’ worth of repairs for damage rendered by Harvey. The hurricane left Buffalo Bayou Park buried under murky, brown water and nearly 30,000 cubic yards of sediment. The dog park was beyond use to the community, and even further, a distressin­g landmark constantly reminding passers-by of the pain and strain felt by the city in the wake of the disaster.

By 5:30 p.m., dog owners were out of their offices and at the park, chatting and laughing with each other while their pets ran and roamed, stopping periodical­ly to sniff the air and each other. Even during its first day back open, the dog park was a place of communion between humans and dogs alike.

Jeff Croft has been counting down the days until this opening. It’s the spot both he and his nearly 3-year-old Corgi mix,

Winnie, go to run and play and bond.

“I used to take her here all the time, almost every day before the storm,” Croft said. “And then after that it was just super depressing, walking by here with mud everywhere and destructio­n, and walking your dog by there, they feel bad.”

Cleanup should be easier

Croft took Winnie on long walks and to day care while the park underwent repairs. He lives right across the street, and the nearby dog park was a draw for him.

“That’s half the reason I moved in over here,” Croft said. “I wanted to be able to walk to the dog park every day, so it worked out well now that it’s reopened.”

The renovated park now includes separate entrances for big and small dogs with one large pond in the middle, as well as a ledge surroundin­g the pond with seating for owners. Grassy areas have been maximized, and what was previously a separate pond has been filled with mulch. Officials say the park still may experience high water and flooding from time to time, but now the cleanup should be easier and faster.

Better than before

The reopened park drew another regular. Kailey Holland, proud owner of a 3-year-old King Charles spaniel named Charlie, loves the restructur­ed park. She likes having more grass and some added separation from other dogs who have become wet and dirty from an afternoon or evening of play.

“I don’t like him to get dirty,” Holland said, laughing. “I would always have to guard the wet dogs away from him because I didn’t want him to get all nasty.”

Even people who don’t own dogs appreciate the area and enjoy its distinct soundtrack and scenery. On Monday evening, Travis Rasch ran on a trail through the area and spent time sitting down and enjoying the view at what he calls “a cool little spot.”

He said his mother’s house in Memorial flooded, so it’s nice to see something damaged by the disaster restored and better than before.

With the reopening of this adored nook, area dogs and their owners have a green space in the city to bond, but even more, residents left reeling by Harvey finally have a long-awaited piece of their city back.

“It’s great that’s it’s back open,” Rasch said. “It was an eyesore before.”

 ?? Brett Coomer / Houston Chronicle ?? David Camp watches his dog, Lewis, play in the water at Johnny Steele Dog Park on Monday. The park, which was heavily damaged by Hurricane Harvey and buried by nearly 30,000 cubic yards of sediment, reopened for the first time since the storm.
Brett Coomer / Houston Chronicle David Camp watches his dog, Lewis, play in the water at Johnny Steele Dog Park on Monday. The park, which was heavily damaged by Hurricane Harvey and buried by nearly 30,000 cubic yards of sediment, reopened for the first time since the storm.
 ?? Brett Coomer / Houston Chronicle ?? Rachel Johnson watches her dog, Louie, play at Johnny Steele Dog Park on Monday. Grassy areas have been maximized.
Brett Coomer / Houston Chronicle Rachel Johnson watches her dog, Louie, play at Johnny Steele Dog Park on Monday. Grassy areas have been maximized.

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