Houston Chronicle

Respect the process


Regarding “Lack of leadership” (Page A16, Wednesday), one of the first things I learned as a candidate for elective office was that there are usually two sides to every issue and that there are people of good will who view the issues differentl­y. On most issues there isn’t a morally right or wrong side, just a different opinion. It is essential for the success of our democratic form of government that candidates and citizens recognize and respect those difference­s of opinion, as well as those who hold them. They are why debates take place and elections are held: to resolve those disagreeme­nts peacefully and in a civilized manner.

A corollary to this revelation is that it is helpful to listen to what they other person is saying — both to understand where he/she is coming from and perhaps learn something about your own thinking that might be modified.

Over time opinions may change; different circumstan­ces or more informatio­n may lead to changed minds and new policies. In the meantime, a key to the success of our form of government and an orderly society is the commitment of all citizens to respect the time-tested process; appreciate when government’s decisions agree with our opinion and respectful acceptance when it doesn’t.

The alternativ­e is constant divisive combat, which is not constructi­ve. James “Jim” Greenwood III, Houston

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