Houston Chronicle

Prank call apparently snares Trump

President speaks with poser while he’s aboard Air Force One

- By Toluse Olorunnipa

President Donald Trump appears to have returned a call from a prankster posing as New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez during an Air Force One flight earlier this week, calling into question the White House’s security protocols.

President Donald Trump appeared to return a call from a prankster posing as New Jersey’s Democratic Senator Bob Menendez during an Air Force One flight earlier this week, calling into question the White House’s security protocols.

Audio of an exchange with Trump and the pranksters was posted online by “The Stuttering John Podcast” and features the president speaking with a comedian, who pretends to be Menendez. In a three-minute conversati­on, the two men discussed the Supreme Court, the debacle over immigrant family separation­s and Menendez’s corruption trial.

The White House did not refute the authentici­ty of the audio, and declined to comment.

Trump told the man posing as Menendez that he planned to make a decision on his nominee to fill the Supreme Court seat held by retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy within the next two weeks.

“We’re going to probably make a decision, Bob, over the next two weeks,” Trump said during the call, which appears to have taken place on Wednesday night as the president flew from North Dakota to Wisconsin. Podcast host John Melendez posted the audio online and said it showed how easy it was to get through to the president.

Asked about the families that had been separated at the border under Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy on illegal immigratio­n, the president said he was hoping to bring Democrats and Republican­s together on a comprehens­ive legislativ­e solution.

“I think we could do a real immigratio­n bill,” Trump said. “We have to have security and peace at the border. We have to have it.”

He also appeared to congratula­te Menendez for successful­ly winning a legal battle with federal prosecutor­s.

“Congratula­tions. Great job,” Trump said. “You went through a tough, tough situation. And not, I think, a very fair situation but congratula­tions.”

U.S. prosecutor­s recently decided to drop their corruption case against Menendez after a trial ended in a deadlocked jury.

It’s not clear how Melendez was able to get through to the president or what security protocols are set up to protect the White House from unscrupulo­us callers. Melendez, who posed as an aide to Menendez, said he was able to speak with senior White House adviser Jared Kushner.

“I find it astounding that the news media’s not picking up the fact that I totally duped the President & got in touch within in less than 2 hours while he was on Air Force One,” Melendez said in a tweet.

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