Houston Chronicle

O’Rourke can work for Texas, rather than at Trump’s behest


In the 2000 presidenti­al election, I voted for Ralph Nader, the Green Party candidate, in order to make an abstract statement about the twoparty political system, which had provided voters with a choice between two competent and wellnext meaning centrists. I was in college at the time, in New York. Al Gore, the Democrat, was bound to win the state’s electoral votes, and did so. Still, I’ve never forgotten the remorse I felt on election night as Florida wavered between Gore and Republican George W. Bush. I didn’t even like Nader. I knew he wouldn’t be the president. But I hadn’t considered the possibilit­y that my decision might have practical consequenc­es.

Thanks to voters like me, that year’s election ultimately was decided by the Supreme Court. So I’ve subsequent­ly voted for the Republican candidate or Democratic nominee after considerin­g which of the two would be more well-suited for the office they are seeking — relative to their opponent, and in light of the political and economic circumstan­ces.

And I’ve decided to do a series of columns evaluating this year’s notable races from that perspectiv­e, starting with the fight at the top of the ticket. U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke, a Democrat from El Paso, is seeking to deny Republican Ted Cruz a second term in the U.S. Senate.

Polls suggest the race is close, and I suggest you ignore the polls. All they really tell you is that this year’s Senate race is closer than one might expect. But at this point, you don’t need polls to tell you that, do you?

O’Rourke has been turning out massive crowds at town halls all over the state since announcing his campaign in February. A lot of Texas voters are genuinely enthusiast­ic about his candidacy.

Many of those voters have been hurt before, after pinning their hopes on various Democrats. I can understand why they would be nervous about getting their hopes up in this case.

In recent months, O’Rourke, 45, has been profiled by a number of national outlets — including Town & Country, a magazine that rarely takes an interest in Texas politics. He’s also starring in two viral videos making the rounds on social media — one in which he rides a skateboard in a Whataburge­r parking lot, and another in which he responds to a question about NFL players who choose to kneel during the national anthem with a stirring defense of America’s civic traditions. Such things would make a cynic suspicious.

But the buzz around O’Rourke is misleading rather than misplaced, in my view. I first met him almost a decade ago, when he was serving on El Paso’s city council. That’s not a glamorous gig, or a steppingst­one to statewide office, and O’Rourke didn’t express any such ambitions. Then, as now, he was preoccupie­d with the concerns of his constituen­ts.

Meanwhile Cruz, 47, who was elected in 2012, began the cycle with certain vulnerabil­ities. He fought ferociousl­y for the Republican presidenti­al nomination in 2016 and pointedly refused to endorse Donald Trump at the party’s national convention in Cleveland. But in September, Cruz agreed to support his party’s nominee after Trump promised that he would, if elected, nominate a conservati­ve to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court that Senate Republican­s had prevented Barack Obama from filling.

In the aftermath of the election, I felt more sympathy for Cruz than for most of his fellow Republican­s. He had made a devil’s bargain, perhaps. But Trump delivered on the promise he made during the campaign by nominating Neal Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, which can serve as a check on the power of the president.

The same is true of Congress, at least in theory.

But in practice, congressio­nal leaders tend to be quite cooperativ­e with the president, if he is a member of the same party. And the Republican­s who control both chambers of Congress have been oddly deferentia­l to Trump, even when he does things they disagree with, like slapping tariffs on all of America’s major trading partners at once.

O’Rourke, as a Democrat, would be free to object to that — and as a member of the Senate, he would object to Trump’s trade war. He’s done so on the campaign trail, when the issue comes up, and trade is among the issues that does come up if you’re running for statewide office in Texas.

Ultimately, then, the Senate race presents Texas voters with a choice between two respectabl­e candidates, both of whom are qualified for the office in question, as a general matter. Something worth keeping in mind, however, is that this statewide office is a federal one and that Cruz, the incumbent, is seemingly constraine­d by Trump-era political dynamics. Conservati­ves might not rule him out on that basis, but it’s something to keep in mind, because the same would not be true of O’Rourke.

In this race, at least, your vote might actually affect the outcome, so you should definitely vote your conscience.

The Senate race presents Texas voters with a choice between two respectabl­e candidates, both of whom are qualified for the office in question, as a general matter.

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