Houston Chronicle

As Houston recovers from Harvey, be sure that you recover, too

- By Umair A. Shah Shah is the executive director of Harris County Public Health and the local health authority for Harris County. HCPH is the county public health department for the third largest county in the United States.

It’s been one year since Hurricane Harvey pummeled our area, but for many in Harris County, it’s as if it were yesterday. Homes and businesses may have been repaired, but the mental and emotional damage for many is still real and present. In public health we say, “Health happens where you live, learn, work, worship and play.” It happens in the community.

The truth is Harvey hit us where we live, learn, work, worship and play. So responding to such a devastatin­g storm means we must also be in the community.

Recently, I saw this firsthand, as we revisited a year later some of those in our community impacted by Harvey.

An example was a woman in Katy who, shortly after Harvey, began having symptoms of depression and anxiety. After being evacuated from her home, she went to an area hotel for a period of time. Whenever she heard the air-conditione­r kick on at night, it sounded like Harvey’s rainwaters that surrounded her home. At the hotel — supposedly safe — she would wake up and begin crying, fearing the floodwater­s were coming into her house, yet again.

Thankfully, she sought help by seeing a psychiatri­st.

Her psychiatri­st explained her distress as follows: Your home is your comfort zone; it is normal to feel depressed or anxious because you have suddenly lost your safety net.

The fact is, 1 in 5 adults will experience some form of mental health disorder in their lifetime. And after a natural disaster, 50 percent or more will suffer from clinically significan­t distress, or psychopath­ology, according to the National Center for PTSD. The stress of having your home being inhabitabl­e, being displaced in your own community, managing the cost of repairs, rebuilding, or just reflecting on all that has taken place can all take its toll.

But here’s the good news: Research shows most people will recover from emotional trauma of disasters in time, and certain factors help increase the likelihood of recovery. Having a social support system of family and friends, strong coping skills, optimism and even faith in a higher power can all contribute to a successful recovery.

However, in order to fully recover, one must first recognize the signs that something is off-kilter. Symptoms may include irritabili­ty, hypersensi­tivity, difficulty sleeping, excessive fear, withdrawal from social interactio­ns or even avoidance of certain places or things.

These symptoms may be signs of depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder — all of which can be expected after a large-scale disaster. Seeking profession­al help when our usual support circles are simply not enough is necessary to heal.

The woman in Katy sought profession­al help. She initially would cry repeatedly, but today she says she is better. She is fortunate. Some with disaster-related symptoms may never recover.

Though such symptoms can be so significan­t, getting people to accept what is happening in the face of adversity is often difficult because of the stigma associated with behavioral health issues. It is difficult, but it is necessary.

While stigma can especially be noticeable among minorities and even men, it is clear that all of us can experience these symptoms.

As an example, we also met a man still dealing with emotional aftershock­s of the storm. He and his family were forced to live upstairs for months as the downstairs area of their home was awaiting repair. Even today he hesitates in going upstairs because it reminds him of Harvey.

Regardless of who we are, disasters can overwhelm. We all can be impacted. And, in turn, we must realize mental health conditions simply do not discrimina­te.

While some can bounce back quickly from the emotional turmoil of a disaster, research shows for others, it could take years, and for some, a lifetime. Harvey may have impacted all of us in some way but that some way includes our emotional well-being.

So one year later, as we reflect on how far we have come as a community and ready ourselves to be more flood-resilient, let us not neglect to rebuild our hearts and minds as well. Mental health is indeed key to overall health.

It is key because where the mind goes, the body follows.

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