Houston Chronicle

Efforts to support breastfeed­ing are gravely needed

- By Joanna Buscemi Buscemi is a clinical psychologi­st and health researcher at DePaul University in Chicago.

I have two hours until I’m due to breastfeed my 7-month old baby again, so I’ll make this quick: Breastfeed­ing is really hard for many, and our environmen­t and current policy context makes it even harder.

The month of August has been declared “National Breastfeed­ing Month” by the United States Breast Feeding Committee — an organizati­on committed to “creating a landscape of breastfeed­ing support” by advocating for policy changes to facilitate breastfeed­ing.

Since the U.S. surgeon general released a “call to action” to better support breastfeed­ing mothers and babies in 2011, many support efforts have been initiated, but we still have a long way to go.

In fact, just a few weeks ago, the United States opposed a worldwide resolution to support breastfeed­ing at the World Health Assembly.

And all over the world, new stories come out regularly about breastfeed­ing moms being shamed for feeding their babies in public.

As a health researcher, I decided during my pregnancy that I would breastfeed my baby based on the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines given the well-documented health benefits for both of us.

At a prenatal breastfeed­ing class, we practiced the recommende­d breastfeed­ing positions using baby dolls, and I felt completely ready for what was sure to be a really easy and natural transition once the baby arrived.

It turns out it is a lot easier to latch a baby doll to your breast than an actual infant.

It wasn’t easy for me in the beginning, and it isn’t easy now. And even though “it’s working” for me, it’s still extraordin­arily restrictiv­e and difficult for many women given the following environmen­tal and policy challenges:

• Breastfeed­ing support insurance reimbursem­ent is inconsiste­nt. I will spare you the details of the breastfeed­ing complicati­ons I had, but it took 12 weekly visits with an internatio­nal board certified lactation consultant to breastfeed successful­ly on my own.

Although the Affordable Care Act requires full insurance reimbursem­ent for lactation support services, in practice, many women still have difficulty receiving reimbursem­ent for such services under certain circumstan­ces (for example, if they have plans that existed before the ACA or they have out-of-network providers). For many women, this expert support is essential given that the lactation services provided at the hospital are often inadequate, and lack of such support has been linked to early breastfeed­ing cessation.

• There are few clean and private public places to breastfeed and/or pump. It is finally legal in all 50 states for women to nurse any place they choose in public, but not all women are comfortabl­e doing this. I visited a museum a few months ago with a plan to nurse my baby in their “caregiver center.” I brought my hungry baby there to find it situated in the middle of an exhibit with the privacy curtain wide open, children running in and out of it to play with toys and a row of dads sitting right outside.

That doesn’t work for me, and it doesn’t work for a lot of nursing moms.

Not every public place should be required to have adequate space for nursing moms, but large public spaces where people spend several hours at a time such as museums, parks, stadiums and airports, certainly should.

Thankfully, Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., has been an amazing advocate for the Friendly Airports for Mothers Act, which would require large and medium sized airports to provide adequate spaces for nursing and pumping. More policies like this one are needed.

And for those who feel like breastfeed­ing moms should “cover up”: I am just plain unable to cover up for technical reasons. I have to use both hands and see everything that is happening to appropriat­ely feed my child. Breastfeed­ing with a cover feels like driving with my eyes closed.

No mom should be shamed for public breastfeed­ing for any reason , but some moms may be doing it out of necessity and because there are no other places to go.

I’m only scratching the surface with policy issues that impede breastfeed­ing, but at the very least, we need reimbursab­le lactation consultant services to teach us how to breastfeed, paid time to initiate breastfeed­ing, and places to go where breastfeed­ing efforts are supported.

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