Houston Chronicle

New World Order

Bush’s vision of shared responsibi­lity offered an alternativ­e to America in retreat.


For a generation of Americans who knew George H.W. Bush as a nasal-voiced “Saturday Night Live” character who spouted “wouldn’t be prudent” as a catchphras­e, the steely resolve he demonstrat­ed in the face of Saddam Hussein’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait may seem out of character.

“If it starts dragging down and there’s high casualties, I will be history,” he told his diary. “No problem — sometimes in life you got to do what you got to do.”

That’s because Bush believed it had fallen to him to defend a vision of a postwar internatio­nal system — one that Hussein brazenly violated. It is a vision Bush was willing to risk everything to defend, and one still worth pursuing today. He called it a “New World Order.” The dream, in which world peace would be guaranteed by a cooperativ­e internatio­nal structure, where small states would not be at the mercy of their neighbors’ territoria­l ambitions, was an old one.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt had hoped the creation of the U.N. Security Council would allow countries to act in concert to secure the peace. He and others saw a future where nations were fully integrated into global institutio­ns like the World Trade Organizati­on, World Bank and U.N. — with the U.S. firmly at the center. For Bush, it was a future where free markets and free people were universall­y shared values.

Those aspiration­s were put on hold for decades as WWII quickly gave way to a long, twilight struggle between the U.S. and Soviet Union. But with the Berlin Wall’s fall and Soviet empire’s collapse, the dream once again seemed possible.

“The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunit­y to move toward an historic period of cooperatio­n,” Bush said in a 1991 speech to Congress. “Out of these troubled times (...) a new world order can emerge. A new era — freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice and more secure in the quest for peace.”

That notion of world peace may sound utopian to modern ears, but, at the time, it seemed within grasp. Humanity had just witnessed the end of an empire without a major war, thanks in no small part to Bush’s leadership. The world seemed new, and opportunit­y was limited only by our ambition.

“A hundred generation­s have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor,” Bush said. “Today, that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. […] A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak.”

That world never came to be.

Yes, there were some quick and important victories. Bush assembled a global force, including Muslims and non-Muslims, to drive Hussein out of Kuwait. He worked closely with allies to reunite Germany and helped from a distance to support the former Soviet Union’s bumpy (and incomplete) path toward democracy. He embraced and enforced the internatio­nal agreement known as the Montreal Protocol that would heal the hole in the ozone layer, and he negotiated the North American free trade agreement to better integrate North America.

Bush accomplish­ed these things in a single term, and, since he was replaced as president, progress on developing a cooperativ­e world buoyed by American leadership has wavered. Unnecessar­y wars, a global recession and an on-again-off-again commitment to the U.N. along with other key institutio­ns has left us without the guiding vision Bush pursued.

Now, with Donald Trump at the helm, our nation is in full retreat from any sense of shared responsibi­lity. Alliances are undermined, internatio­nal treaties abhorred and bad actors from Vladimir Putin to Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud operate with impunity. Authoritar­ianism is on the march in Europe and Asia, and the walls of the world are going back up.

For a millennial generation coming into adulthood, it can be hard to imagine an alternativ­e. The powerful step on the weak, and internatio­nal conflict feels like the norm. The law of the jungle rules.

Yet, in Bush’s life and career, we can still see a dream of a better world. It may be his greatest legacy, and we must ensure America doesn’t lose the vision of a new world order. We need to remember that peace is possible.

“A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on,” President John F. Kennedy once said.

We pray that it does.

 ?? Thomas K. Hler / AP ?? German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and President George H.W. Bush.
Thomas K. Hler / AP German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and President George H.W. Bush.

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