Houston Chronicle

Firing back


Regarding “NRA lifer address increase of shootings” (Outlook, Wednesday): Jeff Kesler manages to make a few good suggestion­s later in the piece, but Lynette Campbell’s and Alexandra Chasse’s responses (Viewpoints, Thursday) are far superior.

First, I am appalled at the assertion that “Blaming a firearm for a shooting is akin to blaming a pen for misspelled words.” I can misspell without recourse to a pen — I can do that in the dust with my pinky. But I cannot even come close to committing homicide with my pinky.

Second, Kesler’s assertion that “school shootings have shown a marked increase with the initiation of the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990” offends logic. This implies that the Gun Free Zone law has contribute­d to a rise in school shootings, but Kesler does not explain how it has done so, much less suggest how it could affect shootings in malls, churches, etc.

Third, I am seriously insulted by his assertion that, “Contrary to the belief of many non-shooters, a firearm does not have a mind of its own.” Not only do I hold no such belief, I know no one who does.

So then, let us construct a better way of understand­ing this issue, in the hope of finding better solutions. America is ablaze with mass shootings, now more than monthly and approachin­g weekly.

We need to learn from countries that have dealt with this problem more successful­ly. I suggest a good, hard look at Canada, Australia, Switzerlan­d and the Scandinavi­an countries. But most of all, we need to stop deluding ourselves with the tired old platitudes, false analogies and poor logic of the sort offered up by the NRA. John Snyder, Houston

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