Houston Chronicle

Young women have to play catch-up in retirement savings

- By Kerry Hannon

For Lindsay Corner, 25, saving for retirement has a greater urgency than for many of her peers.

“None of my girlfriend­s talk about it, but I feel fairly confident about managing money and finances,” Corner said. “I learned about it from my parents and, in college, I studied accounting and finance and took a personal finance class.”

Corner, a senior tax analyst from Durham, N.C., began setting aside funds as soon as she graduated in the spring of 2015. “My first employer offered a 401(k) retirement plan and matched 3 percent of my contributi­on. I contribute­d 15 percent of my salary,” she said.

She has since increased that amount to 18 percent. “Retirement does not seem like too far away to be saving for,” Corner said. “I can see why people my age might have that perception, but for me that wasn’t the case. Taking these classes in school really opened my eyes up to it. We would see examples: If you save this much now, this is how much it’s going to be worth later, and you would be, ‘Oh, my gosh, I would be crazy not to start to save early.’”

Saving is a habit for Corner. “I don’t see the money that goes into my 401(k) account, so it’s out of sight, out of mind,” she said. “I don’t even miss it.”

The fact is, unlike Corner, most younger women don’t discuss financial matters. According to a recent Merrill Lynch/Age Wave study, “Women and Financial Wellness: Beyond the Bottom Line,” among women of all ages there’s a social taboo against talking about money.

“Sixty-one percent of women would rather talk about their own death than money,” said Maddy Dychtwald, co-founder of Age Wave. “And only 46 percent of millennial women say they are confident in investing.”

An early start to retirement savings can help change that for younger women today, but for many women in their 20s, debt can be a stumbling block to savings.

The single greatest source of millennial­s’ debt comes from education loans and credit card bills, according to a 2018 Northweste­rn Mutual study. And the average card debt in the United States for someone under 35 is $5,808, according to the financial website ValuePengu­in.

Women now earn 57 percent of bachelor’s degrees from American colleges and universiti­es, but the American Associatio­n of University Women’s analysis of federal government data found that women are more likely to take on debt than their male counterpar­ts — 41 percent of female undergradu­ates took on debt in 2015-16 compared with 35 percent of male undergradu­ates.

And it takes women longer to pay back those loans than it does men, in part because of the gender pay gap. Women working full time with college degrees make about 26 percent less than their male counterpar­ts, according to the analysis. Lower pay means less income to allocate to debt repayment and to saving for retirement.

The pay gap, however, is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to the significan­ce of increasing the savings of millennial women. An average woman spends 44 percent of her adult life out of the workforce compared with 28 percent for a man, according to the Age Wave calculatio­n.

When a woman reaches retirement age, she’ll have earned a cumulative $1,055,000 less than a man who has stayed continuous­ly in the workforce, because of the accumulate­d lifelong pay gap and interrupti­ons to care for children, aging parents or a spouse, according to the Age Wave computatio­n based on figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“Women in their 20s must make saving a priority, plan for career interrupti­ons and look at saving as making an investment in their future self,” Dychtwald said.

It’s not just women, of course. About two-thirds of working millennial­s from ages 21 to 32 have nothing saved for retirement, according to a National Institute on Retirement Security report.

In part, the setback for both women and men in their 20s is the rise of the gig economy, and access to and eligibilit­y for an employer retirement plan. While more than 94 percent of millennial­s like Corner, who are eligible for a workplace retirement plan, are saving, many don’t have access to an employer plan.

About 25 percent of millennial­s were not eligible to participat­e in an employer-sponsored retirement plan because they worked part time, according to the National Institute on Retirement Security report. And more than half of millennial women, 56.1 percent, work part time, compared with 44 percent of millennial men.

Sara Blandin, 28, a marketing director in Asheville, N.C., for instance, does not have access to an employer retirement plan. “A lot of my female friends are in the same boat,” she said. “I do have a savings account, and I am thinking about opening a Roth IRA as soon as possible.”

Paying off debt is a financial priority among 67 percent of millennial­s, according to the Transameri­ca Center for Retirement Studies’ most recent Retirement Survey. And roughly 28 percent of millennial workers have dipped into a retirement account for an early withdrawal or loan from a 401(k) or similar account, according to this report.

“The biggest challenge, honestly, is getting started,” Blandin said. “You get to this point when you are on your own, and you want to be responsibl­e and put money away, and you realize it’s important, but knowing how to do that gets really complicate­d. There is all this financial jargon that is hard to understand and you kind of get stuck.”

But about 63 percent of women ages 18 to 29 say “financial planning is too difficult to even think about,” Dychtwald said.

Automating savings can help — even $25 per pay period, said Lazetta Rainey Braxton, a financial planner and founder of Financial Fountains in Baltimore. “It seems like nothing, but it’s the habit,” she said. “It’s not the dollar amount. Once they get going, they see they can do that, and they can up it to $50, then to $100. It’s not hoping that someone will do that for you later in life. It’s self-care. You have to value yourself first. It will dictate your future financial well-being.”

One way Blandin is seeking extra funds to open a Roth IRA is “a side hustle,” she said. “I do sports and concert photograph­y. A lot of my girlfriend­s do side hustles. One of my friends cooks vegan food, and she caters events. There are people who pick up bar shifts. It’s nice because you can do it within your passion.”

Developing a contract side gig through an online freelance marketplac­e like Upwork or Fiverr, or selling craft items on eBay or Etsy, “is a great way to have an incrementa­l pot on the side to use for savings,” Braxton said.

And Blandin makes it a point to negotiate her salary. “I revisit my pay with my boss regularly and set time aside to discuss everything that I’m doing.”

Negotiatin­g for higher pay can make a big difference in the amount young women can set aside for retirement. “I am encouraged by what I see,” Braxton said. “I have several 20-somethings who have sought me out for help. I encourage them to negotiate as much as they can for salary because more money means more resources all the way around for the rest of their lives.”

Women in their 20s also tend to spend more than their male peers on living in a safer neighborho­od, where rents might be higher, said Tricia Rosen, a financial planner and founder of Access Financial Planning in Andover, Massachuse­tts. “And they spend more on transporta­tion, say, taking an Uber or a Lyft, rather than walking, which isn’t wrong, but can add up.”

To making retirement saving relevant for women in their 20s who, unlike Corner, don’t see the long game, “you need to get rid of the word retirement planning,” Rosen said. “Make it goal planning — that makes it more meaningful.”

 ?? HaywireMed­ia - Fotolia ??
HaywireMed­ia - Fotolia
 ?? Justin Cook / New York Times ?? Lindsay Corner, a tax analyst, is trying to break the trend of women, despite the likelihood of being on their own financiall­y as they age, finding factors like debt hinder their ability to save.
Justin Cook / New York Times Lindsay Corner, a tax analyst, is trying to break the trend of women, despite the likelihood of being on their own financiall­y as they age, finding factors like debt hinder their ability to save.

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