Houston Chronicle

Law and justice


Truly bipartisan?

Concerning “Rare bipartisan­ship” (Editorial, Wednesday): Accolades were given to the vote that overwhelmi­ngly supported the passage of the Criminal Justice Reform bill. All the Democrats and 38 Republican­s voted for the bill. That is hardly bipartisan. What this vote means is that some Republican­s believe that the reform is beneficial based on their individual beliefs. A truly bipartisan vote would be if more than 50 percent of Republican­s and more than 50 percent of Democrats vote for a bill. Such a vote would be demonstrab­ly apolitical and bipartisan.

When one party votes 100 percent either for or against a bill, that is not bipartisan­ship. It indicates that those voting are driven by political pressure rather than their individual beliefs. Jim Lloyd, Houston

State inmates

Your editorial correctly celebrates the U.S. Senate’s “rare example of bipartisan cooperatio­n” in passing the First Step Act by an 87-12 vote. You were also on the mark in calling the act “the most important criminal justice reform in a generation.”

But that’s where the editorial falls down. Not once does it use the word “federal” to point out that the act — which is all-but-certain to be approved by the House and then signed into law by President Donald Trump — applies only to inmates incarcerat­ed in federal prisons. It has no immediate effect on those in state facilities.

Here in Texas, as an example, a total of 142,083 men and women offenders are currently housed in our 107 prison facilities. Many of these are truly bad people and fully deserve their lengthy sentences. Seven of those prisons and about 13,000 prisoners are currently located in Huntsville.,

Over the past four years, I (later joined my wife) have been meeting most Thursday evenings with groups of offenders as part of the faith-based Bridges to Life program that aims to rehabilita­te these men and return them to the free world as useful members of society.

Our offenders at the Wynne prison unit in Huntsville have earned GEDs, gotten commercial drivers licenses, become licensed welders, earned college credits from Lee College, learned to operate forklifts, drive buses and developed carpentry skills. These are abilities currently needed as America’s economy runs short of skilled and unskilled labor.

Many of these offenders are not bad men. Instead, they’ve made bad choices, usually prompted by drug and/or alcoholrel­ated experience­s dating back to their teen years.

Gov. Greg Abbott, Attorney General Ken Paxton and our legislator­s need to see how Texas can come up with it own enlightene­d version of a First Step Act. Bob Orkand, Huntsville

Arming teachers

Regarding “At Texas’ request, Betsy DeVos may allow schools to purchase guns with federal funds” (Chron.com, Tuesday): This is voluntary, and it has a training requiremen­t to ensure mental and weapon competency. The continued failure of creating more soft target locations has to end. Gary Minter, posted via Facebook

Red flags

Regarding “Legislator­s on quest to reform gun laws” (Front page, Monday): So Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick will not support a red-flag bill to temporaril­y remove guns from people deemed dangerous by a judge? And these men call themselves pro-life on the abortion issue? They are sure proving themselves to be anti-life on the gun issue.

If Texas, after all of the mass shootings we have suffered, cannot pass a red-flag bill to help protect our citizens, the blood of many people will be shed thanks to these men. They are offering more protection to the NRA than to Texans. Page S. Williams, Houston

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