Houston Chronicle

Widower ready to live alone is pained to leave aunt behind.

- www.DearAbby.com Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n

Dear Abby:

I am a 61-year-old widower. A year ago I faced a bleak future and expressed a desire to kill myself. My cousin in another state invited me to move in with him and his mother.

I now have plans for the future, which include returning to the state I left. The thing is, my cousin resolves disputes with his fists. I know that when I move, my aunt will want to come with me.

Frankly, I prefer to be alone in my home when I move. I’ll want cats; she’s allergic. She smokes; I don’t. The job I want will have me on the road for days at a time. While it would be nice to have someone in the house while I’m away, I’d rather have it be empty than have her there.

Moving is about a year away, but this dilemma bothers me. I don’t want to abandon her, but I don’t want to be her savior, either. When it’s time to relocate, what can I tell her? — Mulling It Over In Mississipp­i

Dear Mulling:

Start talking privately with your aunt and impress upon her that no one has the right to physically or emotionall­y abuse her. Encourage her to call the National Domestic Violence Hotline (the toll-free number is 800-799-7233) and talk to someone there.

I’m sorry you didn’t mention who is supporting whom, but she should not remain in a home where her safety may be threatened. And if her son raises a hand to her in your presence, you shouldn’t hesitate to call 911. If he does it when you’re not around, impress upon her that she must call.

Dear Abby:

I recently received an email from my ex-husband, who lives in the same state as my daughter. In it he asked me to agree to a budget he has given my daughter for her upcoming wedding.

Abby, he gave her a budget of $100,000 and expects me to pay half! When I emailed him back and asked how he arrived at such a crazy number, he responded that his brother had spent that amount on his two daughters. Wow!!!

I said absolutely not, and he should never have promised that figure to begin with, let alone without consulting me. Your thoughts? — Now The Bad One

Dear “Bad One”:

He should never have promised any amount of money without first discussing it with you. I also think it is time to bring your daughter and her fiance into the conversati­on. Many modern couples split the cost of their wedding between themselves.

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