Houston Chronicle

What would Jesus donate?


Regarding “Real help for the homeless” (Belief, Dec. 30): The hard-working, selfless, well-meaning folks at Coalition for the Homeless are dead wrong.

Of course Christians are obligated to give alms to those who beg. What the beggar chooses to do with the money is his or her responsibi­lity and none of our business.

My boss can’t withhold money from my paycheck because he thinks I might possibly buy drugs with it, and the Christian’s obligation to give alms is even more absolute than the employer's obligation to pay the worker.

The article suggests that we give our donations to organizati­ons that work with the poor, which is a good idea.

But, for at least four reasons, it’s wrong to tell people to only give to such organizati­ons.

First, it’s patronizin­g — let us take care of you, since you evidently can’t take care of yourself.

Second, it’s judgmental — implying that the homeless should be denied money because they're all addicts, alcoholics or scammers.

Third, it’s un-biblical — in Luke 6:27-36 Jesus says to “give to everyone who asks of you.” He points out that God is “kind to the ungrateful and the wicked” and that we should do the same.

Lastly, I fear that this article will have the unintended effect of providing an excuse for stingy people to turn down panhandler­s with a clear conscience and then neglect to donate to homeless ministries instead.

I’d rather give money to 10 grifters than withhold it from one person in genuine need. See Matthew 25:31-46. Joe Peabody, Houston

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