Houston Chronicle

Union in uneasy state

Trump sowing seeds of uncertaint­y, while making promises it’s unclear he can deliver.


Given his history it’s hard to believe anything President Donald Trump said in his second State of the Union address will turn out better than promises he made a year ago that have failed to materializ­e.

Trump laid out a $1.5 trillion infrastruc­ture plan in his 2018 State of the Union speech that was supposed to be primarily funded by the private sector. Neither Congress nor corporate America was ever sold on the idea. The plan had flaws, and the president never spent the political capital needed to make it better.

A year ago Trump said “my administra­tion has met extensivel­y with both Democrats and Republican­s to craft a bipartisan approach to immigratio­n reform.” Instead of reform Trump has spent an inexcusabl­e amount of time trying to keep a promise that right-wing pundits say he must fulfill to prevent his political base from falling apart: Build a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico.

Trump shut down parts of the government for 35 days to try and get his wall only to be thwarted by the Democratic majority in the House. While he didn’t threaten another shutdown Tuesday night, he still wants the wall. Trump announced he plans to send another 3,700 soldiers to the southern border to stop another wave of Central American refugees from entering the United States. He again called for “the proper wall” that has never been built.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi adamantly opposed a wall, but Trump continues to fight for it for two reasons. It appeases his base, whose fear of immigrants is being exploited to plot Trump’s political future, and it distracts from how Trump is sabotaging institutio­ns Americans have depended on for years to protect us from real enemies that threaten our way of life.

Trump’s legerdemai­n was on full display Monday when he announced in a tweet his nomination of former oil and gas industry lobbyist David Bernhardt to become interior secretary. The media were focused on his upcoming State of the Union message. So the timing muted reaction to it.

Bernhardt has been serving as acting secretary ever since Ryan Zinke resigned in December amid ethics investigat­ions. But he should not be in charge of an agency founded in 1849 to “protect America’s Great Outdoors.” As Kieran Suckling, executive director of the Center for Biological Diversity, explained: “Bernhardt got this nomination as a reward for months of work cramming America’s natural heritage into a wood chipper.”

Trump’s constant sniping at America’s intelligen­ce agencies looks like another sleight-of-hand trick. Maybe the Mueller investigat­ion can tell us why Trump said his intelligen­ce chiefs “should go back to school” because they disagreed with his assessment that U.S. troops can leave Syria now that ISIS supposedly has been defeated. Does he want to hand over Syria’s future to Russia?

Trump also touted his relationsh­ip with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, saying they will meet again on Feb. 27-28 in Vietnam. Trump said if he weren’t president the U.S. would right now “be in a major war with North Korea.” He totally disregarde­d U.S. intelligen­ce reports saying North Korea’s nuclear missile program has not stopped.

Titled “Choosing Greatness,” Trump’s speech Tuesday night was his first joint address to Congress since Pelosi took back the speaker’s post. Whether Trump accomplish­es anything on his list will depend on he and Pelosi putting the border wall fight behind them to find bipartisan solutions in other areas.

Trump mentioned some of those areas in his speech, including, again, infrastruc­ture: “Both parties should be able to unite for a great rebuilding of America’s crumbling infrastruc­ture. Does he mean it this time, or will all his talk about working with Democrats once again fade like morning fog when political expediency turns his head?

It was clear that Trump had in mind arguably the most loyal segment of his base, evangelica­l Christians, when he promised to seek legislatio­n making so-called lateterm abortions illegal, comparing the medical procedure to an execution.

Stoking the fire of an issue that divides not just political parties but families and friends suggests Trump’s political ambitions will take precedence over any grand statements about bipartisan­ship. That means the state of the union is in for a bumpy ride.

 ?? Olivier Douliery / Tribune News Service ?? President Donald Trump again called for a border wall despite caving when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrats thwarted his demand.
Olivier Douliery / Tribune News Service President Donald Trump again called for a border wall despite caving when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrats thwarted his demand.

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