Houston Chronicle

Sunny days likely for ‘Egg Boy’ as Australian­s pile on praise


On Friday, he was just another Australian high school student. By the end of the weekend, 17-year-old Will Connolly was the internatio­nal sensation #EggBoy, the prankster who launched a thousand (give or take) memes.

Saturday was an eventful day for Connolly, who smashed an egg on the head of Australian Sen. Fraser Anning, who promptly punched him, after which Connolly was grabbed in a violent headlock and wrestled to the ground by bystanders, led away by police, released and later taken to the hospital by his mother, having sustained a twisted ankle, a sore throat and bruises.

Sunday was big too. The hashtag #EggBoy went viral as people all over the world thanked the Melbourne teenager for standing up to Anning.

Connolly’s target, Anning, drew internatio­nal ire when he issued a statement on Australian parliament­ary letterhead blaming “Muslim fanatics” for the shooting deaths of 50 people at the mosque in Christchur­ch, New Zealand. Australian Brenton Tarrant, 28, was arrested and charged in the mass killing.

Australia, searching for redemption and meaning after the massacre, seized on Connolly as a hero. Soon a petition was circulatin­g to nominate him as Australian of the Year. Tributes poured in from around the world while the #Eggboy memes multiplied.

Someone set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for possible legal fees.

The police minister for the state of Victoria, Lisa Neville, told reporters that police were examining video of the egging and its aftermath and interviewi­ng witnesses to determine whether to file charges against any of those involved.

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