Houston Chronicle

When the benefits of statins outweigh the risks.

- By Jane E. Brody NEW YORK TIMES

My column last April “Pros and Cons of Statin Therapy” has elicited nearly 700 online comments, many of them from people who accused me of selling out to Big Pharma.

Yes, statins are blockbuste­r drugs with sales in the billions, but some people question if they’re safe and effective. In this column, I will try yet again to explain my understand­ing of statins and help others deal sensibly with these potentiall­y lifesaving drugs.

I do not own stock in any drug company, and no friend or relative works for one. My personal decisions and published statements about em>any/em> medication are based on a thorough analysis of the best available medical evidence. Those decisions and statements may change if and when reliable new findings warrant. This is science, after all, and science is constantly evolving.

As I mentioned in last year’s column, I had taken a monthslong hiatus after more than a decade on a statin to see if it would relieve my periodic back pain. It did not. What it did do was allow my cholestero­l level to soar back to a total of 248 milligrams per deciliter of blood and an LDL (the heartdamag­ing lipid) level of 171, 70plus milligrams higher than it should be.

My decision to take a statin was not made casually. I first tried a stricter-than-usual diet of homecooked meals rich in vegetables and fish and nearly devoid of saturated fats, processed foods and refined carbs and sugars. I took supplement­s of fish oils, fiber and plant sterols, among other nonprescri­ption products said to lower cholestero­l. And, of course, I kept my weight down and activity up — a daily regimen of walking, swimming and cycling. All, alas, to no avail.

My doctor deduced that my body was manufactur­ing too much cholestero­l, and knowing I had a frightenin­g family history of premature heart attacks, he thought I’d be wise to take a statin.

Many of the readers who responded to my April column also said that statins caused unrelentin­g muscle pain that resolved once they stopped taking the drug. I don’t dispute that this can happen to some people, even though numerous studies, including a double-blind placebocon­trolled trial, indicated that most reported muscle aches were not attributab­le to statins.

In addition, in about 9 percent of patients, statins have been shown to raise the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Knowing the odds of side effects and making sure to get periodic checkups that would pick up an adverse reaction, I chose to focus on the drugs’ potential benefits. Most important to me is that for each 40-milligram drop in heart-damaging LDL on a statin, the risk of a major cardiovasc­ular event drops by 25 percent each year.

In a 20-year study in Britain of men who had no coronary risk factors other than high LDL levels and no evidence of heart disease, 40 milligrams a day of pravastati­n (Pravachol), a relatively weak statin, reduced coronary deaths by 28 percent.

Also important are the likely mechanisms behind such protection. In addition to lowering blood levels of LDL, statins reduce inflammati­on, now recognized as an important risk factor for heart disease, and they stabilize the plaque that narrows coronary arteries. Most heart attacks happen when a chunk of plaque becomes unstable, breaks loose and obstructs a major artery feeding the heart.

There may be other important benefits. A review of 36 studies involving more than 3.2 million people found that statin use reduced the risk of blood clots in a limb or lung by 15 to 25 percent. Also enticing is the finding among 400,000 men and women on Medicare linking statin use to a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. To be sure, this is just an associatio­n, not a controlled clinical trial, but one possible explanatio­n for the link is that cholestero­l plays a role in processing beta-amyloid, plaques of which are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s.

None of this means that every adult over 50 should be on a statin. Trials involving hundreds of participan­ts with differing cholestero­l levels and coronary risk factors have shown that those who are at the low end of the risk profile are unlikely to benefit, at least in terms of cardiovasc­ular disease.

Currently, doctors and patients can use the Cardiovasc­ular Risk Calculator to determine where on the risk spectrum someone between the ages of 40 and 75 falls. Those calculated to face a risk of experienci­ng a cardiovasc­ular event over the next 10 years below 5 percent are considered low risk; a risk level between 5 percent and 7.4 percent is labeled borderline; a level of 7.5 percent to 19.9 percent is intermedia­te, and a level of 20 percent or higher is considered high.

In the latest guidelines from an expert committee of cardiologi­sts, high-risk patients — including anyone who has already had a cardiovasc­ular event — should be advised to start taking a statin with the goal of lowering their cholestero­l level by more than 50 percent. The goal for intermedia­te-risk patients is a 30 percent reduction in their LDL-cholestero­l level.

Those who are uncertain about the extent of their risk or who hesitate to take a statin based only on a medical profile suggesting their cardiovasc­ular risk is relatively high could opt for a CT scan of the heart to determine their coronary artery calcium score. The score indicates how much hardened plaque may line the arteries critical to their heart’s health.

Also, for those facing a higherthan-average risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke, the first step in reducing that risk is not a drug but getting modifiable risk factors under control. Even if you plan to take a statin, the drug will be most effective when combined with measures that reduce cardiovasc­ular risk.

That means adopting and sticking to a Mediterran­ean-style diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, peas, beans, nuts and seeds and contains little or no saturated fats, the fats found in meats, poultry and dairy products that are not fat-free. Substitute whole grains for refined ones. The best oils to use for cooking and salads are olive, canola, grapeseed and avocado.

If, unlike me, you’re lucky, such changes may even lower your cholestero­l enough to eliminate the need for a statin and concern about possible side effects.

 ?? Gracia Lam / New York Times ??
Gracia Lam / New York Times

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