Houston Chronicle

Roads aren’t place for abortion debate

Kathleen Parker says controvers­ial, private procedure is now seen as fodder to be blasted from billboards — offending drivers on both sides.

- Parker is a Washington Post columnist. Her email address is kathleenpa­rker@washpost.com.

Driving along Colorado’s scenic byways, one might be distracted these days by a series of billboards promoting safe abortions or, depending upon one’s route, alternativ­es to abortion, as well as assorted child-rearing recommenda­tions.

They make one wistful for the old crazy preacher shouting the Gospel from an overturned fruit crate.

If abortion was once a relatively quiet matter involving women and their doctors, it is no more. Thanks to extreme anti-abortion legislatio­n in several states, notably Alabama, as well as laws elsewhere relaxing standards for late-term terminatio­ns, the American landscape may soon resemble a political campaign of dueling candidates.

Family vacations, meanwhile, may impose uncomforta­ble conversati­ons with the kids. “Mom, what’s an abortion?” I remember once trying to answer this question for a young child. He burst into tears before I could find better words to make this thing not a nightmare. Children have a way of informing adults, don’t they?

Fun times ahead, summer campers! One billboard causing controvers­y near the Utah border reads: “Welcome to Colorado, where you can get a safe, legal abortion.” I guess if you’re a woman who is conflicted over her pregnancy and you drive past the sign, you might find some relief in the message. But for most other people — that is, me — it would surely be an unwelcome intrusion upon their meditation­s. Nothing like a gargantuan abortion reminder to ruin a Rocky Mountain high.

Not to make light of a serious issue that we’ve been debating for 40 years, but our interstate highway system risks becoming a sticky-note space ride through someone else’s business, as 50 states adopt 50 different abortion policies. Already, the Guttmacher Institute calls the nation a “lattice work of abortion law.” Earlier this month, Alabama passed legislatio­n banning abortion in all cases, unless a woman’s life is threatened (with no exceptions for rape or incest). Several other states recently have passed so-called “heartbeat” bills prohibitin­g abortion after six weeks, when something like a heartbeat is detected.

Even six weeks is repugnant to those who want to protect human life from conception. While these apparently unconstitu­tional laws are challenged in courts, possibly all the way to the Supreme Court, states will be exercising their rights by signaling to the rest of the nation their various definition­s of “life.”

The group behind the Colorado billboard — Keep Abortion Safe — is unabashed in its purposes. Co-founder Fawn Bolak says the group hopes that the sign will bring women from neighborin­g states to Colorado for their reproducti­ve needs.

The goal: “to be a bold message to our neighbors coming in. That they are now entering a state that respects and allows them to make their own reproducti­ve health care decisions,” Bolak told Denver’s CBS affiliate. “We also have instances of folks traveling from all over the country to come to Colorado for the access we have.”

Even recognizin­g pro-choice advocates’ desire to amplify their message of safe and available abortions, the billboard smacks of commercial­ism where none should exist. Advertisin­g abortion as a commodity further dehumanize­s the unborn and diminishes the moral impact of what is proposed. Will discounts next be offered in exchange for referrals?

Billboards in states where “heartbeat” legislatio­n has passed or is percolatin­g surely would have a distinctly different look. Georgia has more than 9,800 billboards (second most behind Florida), while Louisiana boasts 7,000. Clearly, there’s plenty of room for everybody to express themselves, though one reflects longingly on Lady Bird Johnson’s mission of beautifyin­g America by eliminatin­g billboards.

Pro-life billboards often feature babies with a message about gestationa­l benchmarks. In one, produced by the group Prolife Across America, a baby exclaims: “What? I could feel pain before I was born?”

Whatever transpires in courtrooms, the stage has been set for states to define themselves according to legislator­s’ interpreta­tions and perhaps build marketing strategies around them. If many people (my hand is raised) have been offended by huge posters displaying partially aborted fetuses, a common occurrence at political convention­s and statehouse rallies, just imagine what could be down the line.

States regulate the content of billboards, so perhaps we’re in luck, but free speech challenges wouldn’t be surprising as the two sides escalate their war of words and images. Meanwhile, road travelers are involuntar­y witnesses to a debate that many would prefer not to have. To a nation defined by individual autonomy, the only thing worse than the personal tragedy of abortion is the audacity of the self-ordained to govern when and under what circumstan­ces women have children.

Billboard that.

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Godofredo A Vásquez / Staff photograph­er
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