Houston Chronicle

Millions take this pain med, but does it work?

- By Jane E. Brody

One of the most widely prescribed prescripti­on drugs, gabapentin, is being taken by millions of patients despite little or no evidence that it can relieve their pain.

In 2006, I wrote about gabapentin after discoverin­g accidental­ly that it could counter hot flashes.

The drug was initially approved 25 years ago to treat seizure disorders, but it is now commonly prescribed off-label to treat all kinds of pain, acute and chronic, in addition to hot flashes, chronic cough and a host of other medical problems.

The FDA approves a drug for specific uses and doses if the company demonstrat­es it is safe and effective for its intended uses, and its benefits outweigh any potential risks. Off-label means that a medical provider can legally prescribe any drug that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administra­tion for any condition, not just the ones for which it was approved. This can leave patients at the mercy of what their doctors think is helpful.

Thus, it can become a patient’s job to try to determine whether a medication prescribed off-label is both safe and effective for their particular condition. This is no easy task even for well-educated doctors, let alone for desperate patients in pain.

Two doctors recently reviewed published evidence for the benefits and risks of off-label use of gabapentin (originally sold under the trade name Neurontin) and its brand-name cousin Lyrica (pregabalin) for treating all kinds of pain.

The reviewers, Drs. Christophe­r W. Goodman and Allan S. Brett of the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, found the drugs, called gabapentin­oids, wanting in most cases for which they are being prescribed.

As Goodman said in an interview, “There is very little data to justify how these drugs are being used and why they should be in the top 10 in sales. Patients and physicians should understand that the drugs have limited evidence to support their use for many conditions, and there can be some harmful side effects, like somnolence, dizziness and difficulty walking.” Furthermor­e, for patients prone to substance use disorders, like an opioid addiction, the gabapentin­oids, although they are not opioids, are potentiall­y addictive, he said.

The gabapentin­oids are symbolic of three challengin­g problems in the practice of medicine: a deadly national epidemic of opioid addiction prompting doctors to seek alternativ­e drugs for pain; the limited training in pain management received by most doctors; and the influence of aggressive and sometimes illegal promotion of prescripti­on drugs, including through direct-to-consumer advertisin­g.

Gabapentin and Lyrica, both sold by Pfizer, have been approved by the Food and Drug Administra­tion to treat only four debilitati­ng pain problems: postherpet­ic neuralgia, diabetic neuropathy, fibromyalg­ia and spinal cord injury. Even for these approved uses, the evidence for relief offered by the drugs is hardly dramatic, Goodman and Brett reported in JAMA Internal Medicine online.

In many well-controlled studies they found there was less than a 1-point difference on the 10point pain scale between patients taking the drug versus a placebo, a difference often clinically meaningles­s. For example, among 209 patients with sciatica, Lyrica did not significan­tly reduce the intensity of leg pain when compared with a placebo, and dizziness was more commonly reported by the 108 patients who took the drug.

But when patients complain of pain related to conditions ranging from sciatica and osteoarthr­itis to foot pain and migraine, clinicians often reach for the prescripti­on pad and order either gabapentin or the more costly Lyrica.

Following the approval of Neurontin, its producer at the time, Warner-Lambert, engaged in what the government determined was an illegal marketing campaign that resulted in sales exceeding $2 billion a year before its patent expired in 2004. Still, the campaign succeeded in bringing gabapentin to the attention of many doctors who treat patients with persistent life-disrupting pain.

It’s not that there are no other alternativ­es to opioids to treat chronic pain, among them physical therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis and mindfulnes­s training. But practicing clinicians may be unaware of the options, most of which require more effort for the doctor than writing a drug prescripti­on and are not as easy or accessible for patients as swallowing a pill.

As Dr. Michael E. Johansen, a family doctor in Columbus, Ohio, put it, “I use gabapentin clinically and try to stay close to the approved indication­s, but occasional­ly we run out of options when faced with patients who hurt. It’s rare that these drugs eliminate pain, and I don’t tell patients their pain will go away. If there’s any benefit, it’s probably marginal.”

Despite the limited evidence of benefit, in a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine in February, Johansen found that the number of people taking gabapentin­oids more than tripled from 2002 to 2015, with more than four in five taking the inexpensiv­e generic, gabapentin.

In 2016, 64 million prescripti­ons for gabapentin were dispensed, up from 39 million in 2012, Goodman and Brett reported in The New England Journal of Medicine. They believe that the opioid epidemic partly fueled this increase. “While working in inpatient and outpatient settings,” they wrote, “we have observed that clinicians are increasing­ly prescribin­g gabapentin and pregabalin for almost any type of pain.”

 ?? Gracia Lam / New York Times ??
Gracia Lam / New York Times

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