Houston Chronicle

Check out the dictionary


Regarding “Democrats’ leftward turn was a reaction to Clinton” (Outlook, July 3): Jonah Goldberg tried to tie Democrats to socialism without a true understand­ing of what socialism really is. According to the New Oxford dictionary, socialism is a political and economic theory of social organizati­on that advocates that the means of production, distributi­on and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. I have not found any democratic candidate for president advocating for socialism as it has been defined for decades.

What I have heard Democrats advocating for is equality and justice in the particular way that America engages in capitalism and democracy. To advocate for qualities that are called for in the U.S. Constituti­on is hardly socialism. To advocate for justice and equal opportunit­y and treatment under the law is hardly socialism. To advocate for a tax system that fairly distribute­s the burden of government among all people is hardly socialism. To advocate for an education or health care system that provides basic human needs in a fair and equitable manner is hardly socialism. To advocate for a system of laws that regulates guns is hardly socialism. To advocate for a comprehens­ive immigratio­n law that protects the poor, hungry, desperate people who seek our shores just as much as the wealthy, educated people who seek our shores is hardly socialism. Bill Turney, Houston

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