Houston Chronicle

House Democrats subpoena Lewandowsk­i, Dearborn

- By Rachael Bade

WASHINGTON — House Democrats on Thursday subpoenaed former Trump campaign aide Corey Lewandowsk­i and ex-White House official Rick Dearborn — compulsory summons that pro-impeachmen­t lawmakers hope will build public support for ousting President Donald Trump.

The House Judiciary Committee is attempting to force Lewandowsk­i and Dearborn to testify on Sept. 17, according to a statement released by the panel. The subpoenas — aimed at creating a made-for-TV moment that unpacks part of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s findings — comes as Lewandowsk­i is mulling a bid for Senate in New Hampshire.

“Corey Lewandowsk­i and Rick Dearborn were prominentl­y featured in the Special Counsel’s descriptio­n of President Donald Trump’s efforts to obstruct justice by directing thenWhite House Counsel Donald McGahn to fire the Special Counsel, and then by ordering him to lie about it,” Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler said in a statement.

Their testimony, the New York Democrat later added, “will help the Committee determine whether to recommend articles of impeachmen­t against the President or other Article 1 remedies. No one is above the law.”

The summons comes as the pro-impeachmen­t movement reaches a major milestone: More than half of the House Democratic Caucus - 123 Democrats, according to a Washington Post tally — have called for an official impeachmen­t inquiry to begin.

Still, public sentiment generally opposes an effort to oust Trump, with polls showing more than half of Americans opposing any move to impeach the president. That’s created a conundrum for Democrats — particular­ly because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, DCalif., has said she won’t bless impeachmen­t unless it has public — and bipartisan — support.

The Judiciary panel’s move Thursday highlights a new strategy of trying to force top witnesses in the Mueller report who did not work at the White House to testify before Congress, according to Democratic officials familiar with investigat­ive plans. Democrats argue, for instance, that since Lewandowsk­i did not officially work in the Trump administra­tion, the Trump White House cannot assert privilege over his testimony to stop him from answering questions publicly.

The Trump administra­tion has blocked non-White House officials from talking in other House investigat­ions, including an unofficial adviser who spoke to Trump about the citizenshi­p question on the census.

Dearborn’s situation is quite different, however. As the deputy chief of staff for policy, the White House is expected to assert privilege over him just as it did for former White House counsel Donald McGahn, whom Democrats are suing to force his testimony.

According to the Mueller report, Trump twice asked Lewandowsk­i, his former campaign manager, to convince Attorney General Jeff Session to limit the scope of the Mueller probe. Lewandowsk­i told Mueller’s team that Trump “told him that if Sessions did not meet with him, Lewandowsk­i should tell Sessions he was fired.”

Lewandowsk­i, who said he never delivered the message to Sessions, would later ask Dearborn to deliver it for him, according to the Mueller report. Dearborn also would not do it and told Mueller’s team that it made him “uncomforta­ble.”

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