Houston Chronicle

She searches for sea snakes so she can help reverse their decline

- By Devi Lockwood

Six to 8 million years ago, a snake related to swamp snakes or tiger snakes slithered into the sea. Over evolutiona­ry time, descendant­s of that snake developed flattened paddle tails, an ability to breathe through the skin and a valve to stop water from entering the lungs. Today these creatures live their entire lives in the water. Clad in spots, triangles and stripes, they undulate across coral reefs or meadows of sea grass.

There are some 70 species of sea snakes in the world; they live in the Indian and Pacific oceans, in water less than 600 feet deep. Half of all species can be found in Australia, and they are particular­ly visible during their mating period, in July and August.

But sea snake population­s have been declining rapidly for the last 20 years worldwide, as a result of climate change, pollution, fishing, habitat loss, mining exploratio­n and disease. Although sea snakes are the most diverse group of marine reptiles — they outnumber sea turtle species by 10-to-1 — less is known about their ecology than that of any other group of reptiles.

This is because the research is difficult. If you want to find a sea snake, you have to go out searching for one.

Blanche D’Anastasi, a sea snake researcher at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, travels to remote regions like Exmouth Gulf, on the country’s northwest coast, to find sea snakes in the wild. Sometimes she scuba dives or snorkels, but the most efficient technique is to be towed behind a boat while wearing a snorkel. When she spots a snake, D’Anastasi dives down to catch it in a bag.

“Sometimes one will swim up to me and lick my mask and neck,” she said. Others hide by swimming to the floor and sticking their heads in the sand near sea grass. Perhaps they are impersonat­ing it.

Back on the boat, she collects a sliver of tail tissue, takes photos, measures the snake and sets it free. In her lab, she analyzes the animal’s genetic diversity.

D’Anastasi initially pursued a doctorate on the genetic diversity of sharks and rays. She shifted her focus to sea snakes after learning about the decline in their numbers.

The switch “felt like setting myself adrift in a warm, wild ocean current,” D’Anastasi said. “It was a scary step to take. I didn’t fully comprehend, at the time, the positive impact that this would have on my life and the conservati­on of sea snakes.”

Land-based lizards and snakes have sensilla, bumps on their head scales that are used to sense objects through touch. The sensilla of sea snakes are dome-shaped and protrude farther, possibly enabling them to detect vibrations underwater.

“I have always wondered how sea snakes seem to know I am there before they see me,” D’Anastasi said. “Sometimes I see a tail or body coil sticking out from under a ledge, and before I get close the snake has popped its head out for a look.”

This sensitivit­y to underwater vibrations also makes sea snakes vulnerable to engines and other human-generated noises. Seismic testing, which relies on loud underwater blasts to explore for oil and gas, likely damages their hearing, which would disrupt their ability to hunt and hide in the wild.

Sea snakes occupy the middle of the food web. Most feed on fish and eels. Sea eagles, ospreys, crocodiles and sharks eat them. They gravitate toward structural­ly complex habitats that provide places to hunt, rest and hide: coral reefs, estuaries, sea grass beds and mud flats.

 ?? Blanche D’Anastasi via New York Times ?? Sea snakes are the most diverse group of marine reptiles, but they are poorly understood and research is difficult.
Blanche D’Anastasi via New York Times Sea snakes are the most diverse group of marine reptiles, but they are poorly understood and research is difficult.

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