Houston Chronicle

Friendly fire aims at Patrick over gun control

GOP allies turn on state leader as he defends background checks for some sales

- By Jeremy Wallace

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is doubling down on his call for closing loopholes in gun sales background checks despite withering criticism from other Republican­s, conservati­ve groups that have ardently supported him, and the National Rifle Associatio­n.

Even the Republican Party of Texas passed a resolution over the weekend rejecting any legislatio­n that would include the enhanced background checks that Patrick supports.

After a gunman left seven people dead in a mass shooting through Midland and Odessa, Patrick said he was ready to take action and called for expanding background checks to include private stranger-to-stranger sales. Nearly two weeks of criticism from fellow Republican­s and gun-rights advocates has not changed his position.

“I’m a strong NRA supporter and they’re a strong supporter of mine, but I believe they are wrong in not expanding background checks to stopping strangers from selling guns to strangers,” Patrick said in a Fox News interview after the second mass shooting in West Texas in just over a month.

Patrick, who presides over the Texas Senate, has made clear that he wouldn’t touch gun transfers between family members or with friends, but that caveat has done little to appease even his one-time allies who are blasting him publicly.

The state Republican Party launched a pre-emptive strike to stop Patrick and the Texas Legislatur­e from expanding background checks or considerin­g red flag laws to remove guns from those found by a court to pose a threat. The resolution passed on Saturday by the party’s executive committee declares enhanced background checks are “back door gun regis

traton schemes” that violate the Constituti­on.

The resolution futher “calls upon members of the Texas Congressio­nal Delegation and members of the Texas Legislatur­e to firmly reject Enhanced Background Checks” as nothing but “cleverly devised infringeme­nts of the God-given and Constituti­onally protected right to keep and bear arms.”

Compared to Beto, Obama

On social media on Tuesday, the deep-pocketed conservati­ve group Empower Texans compared Patrick to Democrat Beto O’Rourke for his new position on guns.

“Whether it is @BetoORourk­e wanting to outright seize your firearms, or @DanPatrick trying to manage what you do with them, it is sadly evident too many politician­s are all too willing to betray our Constituti­on in the name of their own political power,” wrote Michael Quinn Sullivan of Empower Texans.

Patrick defended his stance in a response on Twitter directed at Empower Texans, whose political action committee has given $850,000 in campaign donations to Patrick over the last five years.

“You know my plan exempts family and friends, so apparently you are fine with selling your guns to total strangers who can’t pass a background check because they could be a violent felon or someone bent on mass violence,” Patrick said.

But it’s not just Empower Texans that turned on Patrick. Longtime NRA media personalit­y Dana Loesch warned Patrick’s proposal would lead to a nationwide gun registry, which some Second Amendment advocacy groups vehemently oppose.

“Please explain how one criminaliz­es federally regulated private transfers (UCBs) without establishi­ng a registry,” she said on Twitter, then asked why he hadn’t responded to her requests for an on-air interview.

The NRA’s Institute for Legislativ­e Action has compared Patrick’s stand to those of former President Barack Obama and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Patrick is countering by forcefully denying that he supports any type of gun registry.

“What I am proposing is that anyone who wants to sell a gun to a stranger simply go to a gun store and fill out the background check form,” Patrick said. “Then the gun can be exchanged and the deal is closed. This is NOT a ban on private gun sales and this change in the law will NOT lead to a gun registry. That is utter nonsense.”

Shamed by Cruz

On Wednesday, more criticism came from North Texas conservati­ve radio host Mark Davis of 660 AM The Answer. Davis took offense at Patrick’s suggestion that those who opposed background checks on stranger-to-stranger sales are somehow OK with selling guns to violent felons or mass shooters.

“What an insult that is,” said Davis, who made it clear he’s usually a big supporter of Patrick’s. “What is going on here?”

Davis warned that Patrick is too ready to respond to public opinion polls for Republican­s to “do something” about the recent shootings. He said passing more restrictio­ns only opens the door for even more later. He publicly asked Patrick to call him during the show Wednesday. Patrick did not.

A former conservati­ve radio host himself in Houston, Patrick has become one of the most prominent Republican­s in the state since he unseated former Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, a Republican who was heavily favored in the 2014 primary election.

But Patrick in 2018 found himself in a far tighter re-election battle than most expected. After winning in 2014 in the general election by 19 points against Democrat Leticia Van de Putte, Patrick won re-election over underfunde­d Democrat Mike Collier by just 5 percentage points in 2018. It was the closest a Republican has come to losing the lieutenant governor’s office in 20 years.

As more conservati­ves pile on, Patrick isn’t getting much support from other Texas Republican­s. Last week, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz was asked about Patrick’s proposal and compared it to the universal background checks that Democrats are pushing.

“The consistent focus of Democrats in Congress is precisely the proposal that you laid out — it is mandating that all private personto-person sales have a federal background check,” he said according to the Dallas Morning News. “That’s a mistake.”

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn also distanced himself from Patrick on the issue. Asked by reporters about Patrick’s position, Cornyn said he was focused on federal issues.

Patrick did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday.

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