Houston Chronicle

Second intel official comes forward

New whistleblo­wer has direct knowledge of Trump’s Ukraine dealings, lawyer says

- By Annie Karni and Nicholas Fandos

WASHINGTON — A lawyer for the whistleblo­wer whose complaint set off an impeachmen­t inquiry of President Donald Trump said Sunday that the same legal team was now representi­ng a second whistleblo­wer, an intelligen­ce official with firsthand knowledge of the president’s interactio­ns with Ukraine.

The new whistleblo­wer “made a protected disclosure under the law and cannot be retaliated against,” Mark S. Zaid, one of the lawyers, said on Twitter.

Zaid confirmed a report by ABC News anchor George Stephanopo­ulos on his show, “This Week,” which said the new whistleblo­wer had already been interviewe­d by the intelligen­ce community’s inspector general’s office, but had not yet communicat­ed with any congressio­nal committees.

Another member of the legal team confirmed on Twitter that the firm was now representi­ng “multiple whistleblo­wers” but declined to comment further.

It was not clear if the new whistleblo­wer would file a formal complaint. Zaid said the second whistleblo­wer’s act of coming forward to the inspector general had already secured whistleblo­wer protection­s.

The New York Times reported Friday that an intelligen­ce official with more direct knowledge of Trump’s dealing with Ukraine than the first whistleblo­wer, and who had grown alarmed by the president’s behavior, was weighing whether to come forward. The second official was among those interviewe­d by the intelligen­ce community inspector general to corroborat­e the allegation­s of the original whistleblo­wer, one of the people briefed on the matter said.

The new whistleblo­wer matches the descriptio­n of the official that The Times reported on last week. Zaid said he did not know whether the individual was the same person.

The first whistleblo­wer, a CIA officer who was detailed to the National Security Council, filed a complaint in August outlining how Trump used his power to push Ukraine to investigat­e his domestic political rivals.

Trump has tried to undermine the credibilit­y of the first

whistleblo­wer, whose identity is not publicly known, by saying that the individual was trading on secondhand informatio­n.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment. But Trump preemptive­ly went on the attack on Saturday night.

“The first so-called second hand informatio­n ‘Whistleblo­wer’ got my phone conversati­on almost completely wrong, so now word is they are going to the bench and another ‘Whistleblo­wer’ is coming in from the Deep State, also with second hand info,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Saturday night, referring to his now-infamous July 25 phone call with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy of Ukraine, in which he leaned on Zelenskiy to investigat­e Joe Biden, the former vice president and current presidenti­al candidate, as well as his son Hunter. “Keep them coming!”

Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, framed the news of the new whistleblo­wer on Sunday as a political hit on the president. “SURPRISE Democrat lawyer has other secret sources,” Giuliani wrote on Twitter. He added that the bottom line was that there was “no quid pro quo” attached to Trump’s pressure on Ukrainian officials to investigat­e his political rivals, and called the story an “ORCHESTRAT­ED DEM CAMPAIGN LIKE KAVANAUGH,” referring to the sexual misconduct allegation­s against Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmati­on hearing.

Zaid works for Compass Rose Legal Group, a law firm that specialize­s in representi­ng whistleblo­wers. He is part of the legal team that is now representi­ng both individual­s who have come forward. The team also includes Andrew P. Bakaj, the lead lawyer, and I. Charles McCullough III.

“I can confirm that my firm and my team represent multiple whistleblo­wers in connection to the underlying August 12, 2019, disclosure to the Intelligen­ce Community Inspector General,” Bakaj said on Twitter. “No further comment at this time.”

Democrats who are building the impeachmen­t case against Trump sought to paint the accumulati­on of evidence against him as inevitable Sunday. Meanwhile, the White House had few allies on the Sunday show circuit who strongly defended the president’s actions.

Rep. Jim Himes of Connecticu­t, the second-ranking Democrat on the House Intelligen­ce Committee, said his panel had not yet heard from a second whistleblo­wer as of Sunday morning. But argued that the speed with which details of the case were becoming public was itself a strong sign of wrongdoing.

“We’re sort of sitting here watching the informatio­n flow out of the White House, damning informatio­n, facts that are undisputed,” Himes said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “What’s happening is that people around the president, profession­als, who are in the Oval Office, who are in the Situation Room, are watching what is happening and are finally saying, ‘My God, this cannot happen anymore,’ and they are coming forward.”

The intelligen­ce panel is still working with the first whistleblo­wer and the director of national intelligen­ce to arrange a private interview. With informatio­n evolving unusually quickly, few senior congressio­nal Republican­s or White House officials have stepped out publicly to defend Trump’s actions. The White House, which has been riven internally about how to handle impeachmen­t proceeding­s, did not have any senior officials making the case to defend Trump on Sunday.

And those congressio­nal allies who did make public comments Sunday either focused on attacking Democrats’ handling of the case or said they would reserve judgment until they saw more facts.

Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., a key member of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee, said he was interested to learn more about the new whistleblo­wer and offered no defense of Trump’s actions toward Ukraine. Instead, he said he first wanted to see the results of the Senate’s bipartisan investigat­ion of the matter before making a judgment.

“You have to assume if it is essentiall­y a partisan vote in the House, that that sets the stage for likely the same kind of vote in the Senate,” Blunt said on CBS. “But let’s see what the facts are.”

Others were more squarely behind the president.

Sen. Ron Johnson, RWis., said in a heated exchange on “Meet the Press” that Trump had “vehemently, angrily denied” to him withholdin­g aid for Ukraine in exchange for investigat­ing his political rivals.

“Unlike the narrative of the press that President Trump wants to dig up dirt on his 2020 opponent, what he wants is an accounting of what happened in 2016,” Johnson said.

 ?? Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP / Getty Images ?? President Donald Trump, who is facing an impeachmen­t inquiry, claims on Twitter that the second whistleblo­wer “is coming in from the Deep State.”
Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP / Getty Images President Donald Trump, who is facing an impeachmen­t inquiry, claims on Twitter that the second whistleblo­wer “is coming in from the Deep State.”

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