Houston Chronicle




For connection to those far away

I am grateful for Skype this Thanksgivi­ng.

My son and his family including my only grandbaby have moved to another state and I miss them, but I will sit down on Thanksgivi­ng and eat dinner with them thanks to Skype. Technology changes our world for better or for worse, but the Skype technology is definitely a way to help keep family bonds strong.

I’m grateful for all the blessings I have received this year, grateful to be back in Friendswoo­d, and hope that next year brings health and good fortune to me, all of my family, and to families everywhere.

Lucille Hollander, Friendswoo­d

For sons keeping phones out of sight

As I have expressed to my two middle-aged sons, one of the things I am most grateful for is the fact that when they are with me they are truly with me. They are not simultaneo­usly listening to voicemail, reading texts, sending texts, or even glancing at their phones to see if they are missing something.

I have friends who tell me that they never quite know if their children are listening to them; I am grateful that my sons are so courteous to me. Page S. Williams, Houston

For life and love

As a teen, I did not fully understand the fact that we are all ‘visitors’ here on earth. When I became an adult, it all started to make sense. So each day, I value life more, and all the sweets and lemons it comes with.

Last Thanksgivi­ng was one of the memorable ones because my partner Obiora was a part of it, too.

This Thanksgivi­ng, he will be terribly missed. He unexpected­ly gained his wings on Feb. 26 in Houston. I am thankful for the life he lived, and for being a part of my life (our lives) for almost five years.

I am always thankful for my family and my handful of all-season friends. Though I am not yet where I hope to be, I am thankful for where I am, where I have been, and for all the sweets life has in store for me. Life is short, but we can live it as best as we can, for as long as we live. So for me, I live each day, very grateful!

Nkem DenChukwu, Sugar Land

For my husband

My husband Bob and I have been married 50 wonderful years. We have traveled the world and continue to enjoy our traveling adventures. I’m grateful for our life in Texas, for the freedoms we have in America and for continued good health and our long-time group of friends.

Dianne Wilson, Sugar Land

For fresh eyes

I see the world differentl­y now. The neighborho­od’s trees are natural wonders. Raindrops fall from the sky forming soft trickles. All creatures are amazing curiositie­s. Attentive faces bring beaming smiles. Even the spinning ceiling fan is a mechanical mystery. Newfound beauty, miracles, and discovery appear everywhere.

I am grateful to my new infant son for letting me view this amazing world through his fresh eyes.

Scott Grell, League City

KINDNESS For second chances

This year I have quite a lot to be grateful for. However I am most grateful for second chances — actually, to be completely honest, for third and fourth chances to finally get it right. I am finally sober. First I am thankful to my judge at Harris County for agreeing that instead of a Texas Department of Correction­s sentence I would be afforded the amazing opportunit­y to spend time at Angela House to begin my journey into recovery from years of drug abuse.

This is my opportunit­y to take all the right steps to discover who I really am and where I want my life to be headed, but most importantl­y why I ended up on the very dark path of drugs and addiction. That was a path that was surely going to be the death of me. The thing that makes this stay at Angela House so very important is that it is the beginning of the right path back to being the wife and mother I once was, and that my family, especially my children, deserve. So that is what I am most grateful for.

Brandi M. Nugent, Houston

For compassion

When I first learned the Chronicle was seeking written submission­s from readers for a Thanksgivi­ng edition on what has made them grateful in 2019, I was hesitant to respond because of the editorial guidelines: “steer clear of politics and elections and share something personal.” I asked how could I possibly participat­e in this exercise without considerin­g all that affects our lives in the age of the 24-hour news cycle? The answer — follow the example of generosity and compassion of the Native Americans, without whom the Pilgrims would likely have perished.

If we set aside time to turn inward and shift the focus from the noise of the day to what is truly meaningful, giving without the expectatio­n of receiving anything in return, we become the beneficiar­ies. Writing this letter reminded me that “real happiness lies in making others happy,” and for that I am grateful. “

Jim Paladino, Tampa

For new traditions

A few years ago, I began a new Thanksgivi­ng tradition. I ask everyone seated at the table to name at least three things they are grateful for. It always results in revealing insights about self and lives, normally not disclosed to others in a group setting. All have told me they end up feeling grateful for this opportunit­y to increase emotional intimacy with family, and also to reflect upon gratitude which in and of itself, is healing. For me, I feel grateful for plastic surgery, belly laughter and unconditio­nal love from a

pet cat. Ginette Weiner, Scottsdale, Ariz.

COMMUNITY AND NATION For hospitalit­y with rivalry

I’m grateful for the hundreds of personal messages I’ve received from Texans since my Nov. 1 letter to the editor thanking Astros fans for their hospitalit­y and sportsmans­hip during my trip to see Game 7 of the World Series. I had no idea my letter would go viral — shared more than 27,000 times online in just the first few days! It’s been a joy to see our sports rivalry lead to a genuine bond between strangers. Craig Fifer, Alexandria, Va.

For America

I am grateful to live in a country that recognizes our God-given constituti­onal and human rights to liberty, privacy, opportunit­y, justice and more. While our journey to a “more perfect union” never has been and never will be perfect, it is nonetheles­s worth recognizin­g how good we have it in this country as compared to both the past and to other nations currently. The freedom to say and do as we wish, to pursue our dreams and interests, to be guaranteed due process and justice, are historic achievemen­ts that define what it means to be American and why our way of life serves as the envy of the world. U.S. Army Capt. Erich Reimer, Chester, Va.

For newfound sense of community

I’m grateful this holiday season for the sense of community I’ve found — of all places — within a policy advocacy group, the Citizens’ Climate Lobby.

Hear me out. I’m not here to talk about the climate or the lobbying. I think the most useful and direct understand­ing of our group is conveyed by the word ordering in the name. “Citizens” comes first. There’s a shared sense of community within our little chapter in Boulder, Colo., as there are in countless others across the country. We get together once a month, at core because we value and respect and learn from each other. We have many people of opposing political parties, but we leave any tribal views at the door. I’ve not only found myself building partisan bridges I never imagined I would, but also intergener­ational ones.

We’re all-too-often encouraged to think of our public sphere as having become irretrieva­bly polluted. It’s not. The groups that form locally because people care about their communitie­s and their world — independen­t of the politics of those groups — are beautiful things. I am, above all else, grateful. Daniel Palken, Boulder

For our country

Roughly 11 years ago, I came to Massachuse­tts with just 20 dollars and a backpack in search of a home and identity. I found both of them and I’m proud to call myself an American citizen!

This is what I’m grateful for:

I, along with 100,000 other Nepali-speaking Bhutanese citizens, was driven from Bhutan by the government because of our Nepali heritage. We were told by the government that we were no longer Bhutanese, and lost our identity.

In the refugee camps in Nepal, I lived in a bamboo and plastic-made hut without a bedroom, kitchen, electricit­y, running water, or toilet. I relied on basic food rations provided by the World Food Program and other donor agencies, including the United Nations.

Now I own a home, have a master’s degree, have coauthored several peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on Bhutanese refugee mental health and I give back to the community. My mother, who was illiterate in her native language, studied English, U.S. history and civics and become an American citizen. My elder brother is now a registered nurse. My wife enrolled in an RN program in 2019. My younger brother is an occupation­al therapist.

Now I call myself as American citizen. With pride! Bhuwan Gautam, Spring field, Mass.

For humanity

I am grateful 2019, like all years in the past, has taught me about the importance of community. As a young college student who moved to Houston a little over four years ago, 2019 showed me that I have a community to fall back on. Whether it was the shared experience­s I had at college or the things I learned from people of my town or the professors that taught me of how essential it is to come together because without each other we are nothing. As 2019 ends, I am grateful for the friend that offered to let me stay over after Imelda hit and I couldn’t get home. I am grateful for the people who included me in their discussion­s and wanted me to be a part of theirs.I am grateful for the people who I saw on my morning commute one day who had stopped traffic on the highway to help a person lying on the ground. I am grateful for all those who spoke up for me and my community in times of crisis. I am grateful for humanity and grateful to call Houston home. Amtul Awan, Cypress

For compassion­ate democracy

I am particular­ly grateful for living in a compassion­ate democracy. I can use my voice to guide my country to do the right thing. I am particular­ly grateful that our country continues its leadership role in supporting the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculos­is, and Malaria. This will result in saving 16 million lives and preventing over 200 million new infections. I am grateful for the fact that beyond the headlines of the day, America continues to do compassion­ate work, thanks to citizens who care! Willie Dickerson, Tomball

For Houston

I am a newcomer to Houston, only being here for 12 years, and I didn’t particular­ly want to move here when I did, but the people of Houston have provided me with a wider view of humanity, through its diversity, and a deeper view of hope, through the passion and care during major weather trauma, personal challenges or community growth.

I am grateful for being part of the helping community at church and in my job and to see people not just lifted up but empowered. This city has much to offer a person when they have a chance to realize their value and worth and learn how to engage the multitude of opportunit­ies — I don’t want to call them “services” for many are more than needs-based, but are growth opportunit­ies — that allow people to get ahead.

While not perfect, in this city your vote counts and your choices count. There are people waiting to walk alongside you as you elevate beyond your present circumstan­ce. I get to participat­e in this endeavor for others. I have been lifted up by others.

I am not sure I can ever leave this city! Gina Etherton, Houston

For newspaper journalism

The Iran hostage crisis began Nov. 4, 1979, when I was a college junior. Wildly, this event was initiated by other college students. I remember being aghast but in my dorm room I had no access to news. I spent my first quarter on the daily paper to find out what was happening. I read about the embassy and the president and I was fascinated. I continued spending my money every day to be informed not just on my primary issue but also sports, business, comics, and crosswords. I followed the hostage story through their homecoming. By then I had moved on to another city and a new paper. I have continued to this day to be grateful for daily newspaper journalism. I appreciate the thorough, objective work of reporters who check facts and sources and write with style and on deadline. No day is complete without a newspaper to enjoy! Alice Grabowski, Fulshear

For people of all castes and creeds

As an immigrant, although Thanksgivi­ng celebratio­n was a foreign concept, the idea of gratitude was instilled in me through my religious teachings. Islam emphasizes greatly the concept of gratitude, as the Holy Quran says, “And God will certainly reward the grateful” (3:145).

Benefits of gratitude have been scientific­ally proven in recent years to improve our emotional and physical health especially when one shows gratitude by acknowledg­ing God’s blessing in helping those in need. A hand extended to help another is the best way of living in the image of God.

Islam teaches us to be thankful to all regardless of one’s cast or creed. Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be on him) said, “One who is not grateful to others is not grateful to God.” As we celebrate Thanksgivi­ng this year, I hope we can forget all our difference­s and come together as humans, always there to help each other.” Ateya Qureshi, Austin

HEALTH For miracle of modern medicine

Recently I had surgery on one eye to remove a cataract and have the lens replaced. I now read and drive without glasses. I am grateful for the anonymous researcher­s and profession­al ophthalmol­ogists whose patience and persistenc­e produced this miracle of modern medicine. John Rice, Houston

For Houston’s world-class cancer resources

I am grateful that my wife’s cancer was found at an early stage and that we live in Houston where quality treatment and knowledgea­ble physicians are in abundance. I feel thankful, that unlike some we see, we do not have to travel far in a debilitate­d condition for treatment Logan Brown, Houston

For lessons learned out of loss

I am grateful most people take their health for granted. A health crisis can make you resentful or it can bring you a greater appreciati­on for life. I have lived through breast cancer treatment, managed to find remission when the cancer spread, and am currently living with a progressiv­e form of MS mostly from a wheelchair. For 15 years I have been a perpetual patient, uncertain what the future holds. But I’m still here living a blessed life. I find enjoyment where I can with a husband who is always by my side and family and friends who are always willing to help. And for that I am grateful. This year I have had to face losing independen­ce although I try my best. The friend who always rides with me so I don’t miss a lunch date. The family that steps in when needed so I never miss an appointmen­t. And my partner in life who still finds me beautiful and does everything he can so we can enjoy life together. How lucky am I? Christie Sproba, Willis

For daughter’s health

In April our daughter became gravely ill for unknown reasons. We brought her to CHI St. Luke’s Patients Hospital in Pasadena. Her condition was puzzling and she worsened by the minute. It became necessary for the medical team to place her on a ventilator. She was stabilized and flown to St. Luke’s ICU in Houston. A team of specialist­s treated her and she was eventually diagnosed with Lupus. We are very grateful that she is with us today, thanks to the medical teams at both hospitals for the excellent care she was given. We are also grateful for her fellow employees who cared for her in the moments before she was brought to the hospital. Our family wishes everyone a safe and happy Thanksgivi­ng. Charles and Leona Barfield, Deer Park

After battling breast cancer for nine arduous months, my daughter was able to ring the final bell signaling the end of her treatment on Nov. 8. I am beyond grateful for the restoratio­n of her health. Now she can devote her time to her young family and her full-time job. We are indebted to the dedication of her entire team of doctors and nurses who brought her to this point. I am also mindful of the many other patients we met along the way and pray that they too may ring that bell one day very soon. May a future full of hope and joy await everyone who is still undergoing their “long, dark night of the soul.”

Maureen Akin, Houston NATURE For migrating birds

I am grateful for the beautiful and strong migratory birds that pass through the Texas Gulf coast in the fall and spring. Cindy Bartos, Azalea

 ?? Marie D. De Jesús / Staff photograph­er ?? Bracy McCoy kisses his daughter Bre’Asia, 1, at the Kids Lives Matter annual Thanksgivi­ng event at the Cuney Homes Apartments. Readers wrote in to express their thanks.
Marie D. De Jesús / Staff photograph­er Bracy McCoy kisses his daughter Bre’Asia, 1, at the Kids Lives Matter annual Thanksgivi­ng event at the Cuney Homes Apartments. Readers wrote in to express their thanks.
 ?? Jon Shapley / Staff photograph­er ?? Astros fans like Brandy Garcia, left, were passionate about their team, but that didn’t stop them from being good sports and good hosts to Nationals fans. Craig Fifer of Alexandria, Va., wrote a letter thanking them, and it went viral.
Jon Shapley / Staff photograph­er Astros fans like Brandy Garcia, left, were passionate about their team, but that didn’t stop them from being good sports and good hosts to Nationals fans. Craig Fifer of Alexandria, Va., wrote a letter thanking them, and it went viral.
 ?? Elizabeth Conley / Staff photograph­er ?? Lorain Webb, gives two thumbs up after ringing the bell after her last treatment for breast cancer at MD Anderson.
Elizabeth Conley / Staff photograph­er Lorain Webb, gives two thumbs up after ringing the bell after her last treatment for breast cancer at MD Anderson.
 ?? File photo ?? Red-tailed hawks are one of many migratory birds that can be enjoyed during the spring and fall months along the Gulf Coast.
File photo Red-tailed hawks are one of many migratory birds that can be enjoyed during the spring and fall months along the Gulf Coast.
 ?? Getty Images/PhotoAlto ??
Getty Images/PhotoAlto

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