Houston Chronicle

Money vs. problem-solving


Trump unsettles the world stage

Regarding “Trump insults overshadow NATO aims,” (A11, Dec. 5): The NATO summit is another opportunit­y for our president to alienate allies and nag about money. Everything he does is concerned with money: who owes whom, and who has the most. This shouldn’t be surprising. As a real estate huckster, his business reputation and worth were based on personal money-making prowess.

While other world leaders are trying to coordinate problems ranging from refugees to terrorism, Trump is playing the landlord, harassing the others about their rent checks.

It’s a summit, but it seems like a nadir. Bob Gayle, Houston

Unemployme­nt rate

Regarding “Another holiday story,” (Dec. 5, A12): The editorial talks about a 7.2 percent underemplo­yment rate as if it were a high number. In reality this is just as good as a 3.5 percent unemployme­nt rate.

The monthly underemplo­yment rate has only been below 7.5 percent 33 out of the past 310 months, mostly between mid 1999 and mid 2001. Since then, it peaked at 17.1 percent in 2010 and did not drop below 7.5 percent until late last year.

To put it simply, last month’s 7 percent underemplo­yment was a great number. David Rosenberg, Houston

Food stamp cuts

Regarding “668,000 will lose food stamp benefits under new work rules,” (Page 1, Dec. 5): The Trump administra­tion’s proposal to cut the Supplement­al Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) is an example of a transferen­ce of benefits away from those in need to those who have plenty. This is not immediatel­y clear because the benefits to the well-off are are disguised within the large tax cut proposed by Trump and passed in Congress. These tax cuts fuel austerity measures, such as cuts in food stamps, EPA services, infrastruc­ture rebuilding and other vital government services.

Aside from hurting those in need, the government’s rationale for food stamp cuts is dishonest. Shaun Smith, Houston

 ?? Evan Vucci / Associated Press ?? President Donald Trump meets with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte during the NATO summit Wednesday in England.
Evan Vucci / Associated Press President Donald Trump meets with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte during the NATO summit Wednesday in England.

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