Houston Chronicle

Panel postpones vote on articles

After 12 hours of back-and-forth, House Judiciary Committee finishes discussion, recesses until today

- By Nicholas Fandos

WASHINGTON — The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday abruptly put off a historic impeachmen­t vote, turning back Republican attempts to derail the process and setting up final action on Friday to approve charges that President Donald Trump abused his power and obstructed Congress.

Amid Republican­s’ cries of outrage, Democrats were poised to approve along party lines an article of impeachmen­t that accused Trump of abusing the powers of his office by pressuring Ukraine to announce investigat­ions of his political rivals, using official acts as leverage as he sought advantage for his 2020 re-election campaign. They were also on track to adopt a second article of impeachmen­t against Trump for obstructin­g Congress, based on an across-the-board defiance of their subpoenas that Democrats branded an attempt to conceal the Ukraine scheme.

Debate stretched into the night on Thursday, as Republican­s offered amendments to gut or water down the articles, and Democrats declined to cut off the discussion, even as members of both parties repeated the same arguments again and again. After more than 12 hours of back-and-forth, Rep.

Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat and the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, announced he would postpone the final votes for Friday, although the outcome was certain.

The charges on the cusp of approval stemmed from an investigat­ion by the House Intelligen­ce Committee that concluded that Trump had used the levers of government to pressure Ukraine into investigat­ing former Vice Presi

Joe Biden, his political rival, and a theory that Democrats conspired with Ukraine to interfere in the 2016 election. The president, Democrats asserted, conditione­d nearly $400 million in security assistance for the former Soviet republic and a White House meeting for its leader on the public announceme­nt of the investigat­ions Trump wanted.

“There is overwhelmi­ng evidence of the existence of a scheme led by the presilude dent, led by his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to corrupt the American elections, to continue to withhold military aid until such time as a public announceme­nt was made that would smear the president’s chief political rival,” said Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I.

The Judiciary Committee vote would make Trump, whose presidency has preoccupie­d the nation like few of his modern predecesso­rs, only the fourth president in American history to face impeachmen­t by the House for “high crimes and misdemeano­rs.” Though the charges aldent to a pattern of past conduct, they do not explicitly mention his embrace of Russian election interferen­ce in 2016 or efforts to thwart a special counsel investigat­ion of it.

The full House is expected to debate and vote on the articles next week, just days before Congress is scheduled to leave town for Christmas. A trial in the Republican-controlled Senate would begin in early 2020, 10 months before the next election.

While the Judiciary Committee debated, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she would refrain from pressing Democrats to support the articles, instead encouragin­g them to follow their conscience­s on a vote heavy with historic and political weight.

“People have to come to their own conclusion­s,” she said. Republican leaders, however, began an all-out effort to keep their members in line to vote “no.”

Democratic leaders anticipate that a handful of their members — particular­ly more moderate lawmakers from districts Trump won in 2016 — may join Republican­s in opposing one or both of the articles. But they expect the defections to be narrow.

The president once again declared his total innocence and raged against the Democrats leading the charge to impeach him. He turned to Twitter to retweet dozens of allies who were defending his conduct and slamming the Democrats.

Later at the White House, speaking at the congressio­nal Christmas ball as debate on impeaching him raged in the Judiciary Committee, Trump projected confidence about his future. “We’re going to have a fantastic year,” he said.

Determined not to lend the proceeding­s legitimacy, Trump never mounted a defense in the House, declining repeated invitation­s from Democrats to take part in the process. He would be given a fairer chance in the Senate, the president and his team concluded. Pat Cipollone, the White House counsel, and Eric Ueland, the legislativ­e affairs director, met Thursday at the Capitol with Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., the majority leader, to strategize for the coming trial.

The vote expected Thursday evening would cap two days of intense debate in the Judiciary Committee, a body known for attracting some of the House’s most progressiv­e and conservati­ve members. Lawmakers stayed late into Wednesday night offering statements of fact and principle about the presidency, the Constituti­on, the country and Trump himself. Members on both sides of the dais lamented that their opposites would not reconsider, though none of the pleaders really expected any change.

Thursday’s proceeding was rawer, airing out all the pent-up bitterness of years of near existentia­l political warfare. Republican­s argued that Democrats were merely impeaching the president because they abhorred his unorthodox style and his conservati­ve policies, citing years’ worth of strident cries from the most liberal members of their party championin­g Trump’s removal.

“This impeachmen­t is going to fail,” said Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La. “The Democrats are going to pay a heavy political price for it, but the Pandora’s box they have opened today will do irreparabl­e injury to our country in years ahead.”

Democrats accused Republican­s of turning a blind eye to misconduct by Trump out of reflexive loyalty to their party.

“This is about conscience, the conscience of the nation, the conscience of my friends on the other side of the aisle,” said Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga. “Do you believe that we should allow this to go unaddresse­d, what the president did? Because we are a country of precedent; we are a country of rule of law; we are a country of norms and traditions.”

The debate traces back months, through a lengthy Intelligen­ce Committee investigat­ion, to the submission of an anonymous CIA whistleblo­wer complaint alleging a systematic campaign by Trump to solicit Ukraine’s help in the 2020 election, by asking its president to investigat­e his political rivals.

Thursday’s debate touched on the finer points of criminal law and constituti­onal standards for impeachmen­t as lawmakers dug into the details of the case, tussling over whether Trump’s “high crimes and misdemeano­rs” actually met the threshold for his removal. Republican­s said the president’s actions needed to be statutory crimes to warrant impeachmen­t and accused Democrats of putting forth a vague charge of abuse of power because they had a flimsy factual record to back up their case. They did not concede any wrongdoing.

“The entire argument for impeachmen­t in this case is based on a charge that is not a crime, much less a high crime, and that has never been approved by the House of Representa­tives in a presidenti­al impeachmen­t before, ever in history,” said Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, one of the managers of the impeachmen­t case against President Bill Clinton in 1998. “If that is the best you’ve got, you wasted a whole lot of time and taxpayer dollars because so many of you, Mr. Chairman, hate this president.”

Democrats rejected that theory, arguing that Trump’s actions were clearly high crimes because they were offenses against the Constituti­on itself but could also be construed as criminal violations of the law. Rep. Eric Swalwell, DCalif., posited that Trump could be charged with criminal bribery and honest services fraud.

In seeking to clear Trump, Republican­s returned again and again to statements by the president and Ukrainian leaders since the inquiry began that there was no pressure applied by Trump or felt in Kiev. They pointed out that Ukraine did not announce the investigat­ions Trump wanted and that the military aid the president had blocked for months was eventually released and a meeting between the presidents occurred.

“Show me the Ukrainian that was pressured,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla. “Show me the Ukrainian that knew that any of this was tied to any conditiona­lity.”

But Democrats said that, too, was fallacious, noting that Trump allowed the aid to be delivered only after he had been briefed about the whistleblo­wer complaint. The security assistance funds were released “because the president got caught,” said Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla. She insisted that lawmakers ought not to be persuaded by the fact that Trump never explicitly said he was tying official acts to political favors.

“I can tell you this,” said Demings, a former police chief, “when a robber points a gun at you to take your money, they usually don’t walk up and say. ‘I’m robbing you.’ ”

 ?? Pool / Getty Images ?? Democratic Chairman Jerry Nadler, left, listens as ranking Republican member Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia speaks.
Pool / Getty Images Democratic Chairman Jerry Nadler, left, listens as ranking Republican member Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia speaks.
 ?? Jonathan Newton / Associated Press ?? Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., said that there is “overwhelmi­ng evidence” of a scheme led by Trump.
Jonathan Newton / Associated Press Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., said that there is “overwhelmi­ng evidence” of a scheme led by Trump.

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