Houston Chronicle

Trump campaign: Impeachmen­t rallies base

- By Toluse Olorunnipa

WASHINGTON — As President Donald Trump faces a critical vote on his impeachmen­t Friday, his top political advisers said the process had already begun to reap benefits for his re-election campaign.

“This lit up our base, lit up the people that are supporters of the president. They’re frustrated, they’re upset, and that motivates voters,” campaign manager Brad Parscale told reporters during a briefing Thursday. “They have ignited a flame underneath them.”

Parscale — who prefaced his remarks by saying he did not believe Trump deserved to be impeached — said that “every metric” he tracks, from fundraisin­g to voter sentiment to volunteer recruitmen­t, shows a political benefit for the president.

“That has put money in our bank, it has added volunteers to our field program,” he said. “It’s filled up the rallies easier.”

The characteri­zation of Trump’s expected impeachmen­t as a political upside stands in stark contrast to the tone struck this week by many Democratic lawmakers, who have said repeatedly that they are “sad” and “somber” that Trump’s alleged misconduct with Ukraine has forced such a constituti­onal sanction. Some Democrats representi­ng districts won by Trump have expressed concern about political blowback, while others have expressed confidence that voting for impeachmen­t was their constituti­onal duty and more important than politics.

Parscale made his impeachmen­t comments during a briefing by several senior campaign officials about the state of Trump’s re-election bid. The officials — most of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal campaign strategy — sought to project an air of confidence in Trump’s re-election chances, using an elaborate slide show to explain why the president was strongly positioned to be elected to a second term.

The briefing did not reference impeachmen­t until a question-and-answer period that followed a presentati­on about the state of Trump’s re-election effort.

During that presentati­on, campaign officials argued that Trump’s fundraisin­g, record of accomplish­ments and more profession­al political apparatus give him a better chance to win than he had in 2016.

Despite approval numbers that have remained underwater throughout his presidency, campaign officials said he would win in part because many voters who had an unfavorabl­e view of the president would likely vote for him because of his policies and the state of the economy.

“The Republican Party used to be the wine and cheese party,” one official said. “Now it’s the beer and blue jeans party.”

GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said Trump has been able to retain support from standard conservati­ves by embracing traditiona­l Republican policies, while also reaching out to new voters.

“I think he has actually expanded the party,” she said. “But he’s retained a lot of the core elements of the party, that’s why so many Republican­s support him.”

Parscale said the impeachmen­t process is helping in the effort to grow the president’s base, including by swaying independen­t voters to Trump’s side. He cited internal polling that he has shared online about the unpopulari­ty of impeachmen­t in swing congressio­nal districts.

His remarks echoed Trump’s claims that impeachmen­t was helping him politicall­y. At a rally on Tuesday, Trump said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, DCalif., had made a mistake by pursuing impeachmen­t.

“Our poll numbers have gone through the roof because of her stupid impeachmen­t,” Trump said.

In fact, Trump’s overall approval rating has barely budged since the launch of the impeachmen­t inquiry, remaining in the low 40s.

Since public hearings began, support and opposition for Trump’s impeachmen­t and removal from office has been split, 47 percent to 45 percent according to a Washington Post average.

Both parties are largely united in their opinions, according to the Post average: 87 percent of Republican­s were opposed to impeachmen­t and removal, and 86 percent of Democrats are in favor.

 ?? Patrick Semansky / Associated Press file photo ?? Supporters of President Donald Trump cheer at a campaign rally Tuesday. His approval rating has barely budged since the launch of the impeachmen­t inquiry.
Patrick Semansky / Associated Press file photo Supporters of President Donald Trump cheer at a campaign rally Tuesday. His approval rating has barely budged since the launch of the impeachmen­t inquiry.

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