Houston Chronicle

Cyber cure can be worse than cyber risk


Every company is going to experience a cyberattac­k; what’s hard to know is how to prepare and how to respond.

The bigger the company — and the bigger the equipment — the greater the challenge. Protecting an industrial process is a lot more complicate­d than downloadin­g the latest anti-virus software, and most executives do not know where to begin.

More than half of electric utility executives surveyed by the Ponemon Institute, which studies cybersecur­ity, said they expect a cyberattac­k on a significan­t piece of infrastruc­ture in the next 12 months. Only 42 percent said their defenses were high.

They listed their problems as lack of skilled workers, fragmented control systems and slow detection of system breaches. Only 31 percent said they were prepared to respond to an attack.

Other industries that employ big, computer-controlled machines, including oil and gas, refining and manufactur­ing, do not rank themselves much better. Part of the problem is that their equipment is designed to last 20 years or more, unlike software, which is replaced every two years.

“The energy vertical really faces what I would call the perfect storm,” said Leo Simonovich, global head of industrial cyber and digital security for Siemens.

“On the one hand, there’s a vast brownfield of assets that were never designed with security in mind,” he told me on the sidelines of Time Machine 2019, an artificial intelligen­ce conference. “On the other hand, the energy vertical is undergoing a massive transforma­tion with the introducti­on of renewables through digitaliza­tion and connectivi­ty.”

Siemens built many of the machines that drillers, refiners, generators and others use for their businesses. The company is trying to figure out how to help their customers defend against hackers.

“Sometimes the cure to a cyber vulnerabil­ity is worse than the risk of an attack,” Simonovich said. “If you do a basic vulnerabil­ity scan, you can bring down a plant. If you deploy a patch, you can bring down an asset or even a fleet.”

Anyone who uses enterprise software has probably experience­d this problem when an update mistakenly takes the entire firm offline for a few hours, or even a day. When a turbine used to generate electricit­y or a control

system for a refinery is involved, the consequenc­es are more severe.

“Ninety percent of the things that are out there cannot be patched for a variety of reasons,” Simonovich added. “They’re either remote, somewhere in the North Sea or the Gulf of Mexico, or you’ll ruin the production environmen­t.”

Disconnect­ing the system from the rest of the world, a so-called air gap, doesn’t work in a world where remote operation and cloud computing is the norm. The alternativ­e, then, is creating detection systems that allow control engineers to quickly identify a cyberattac­k and have the confidence to know how to stop it.

“Get a grasp on what you have, how vulnerable it is, and prioritize that based on business priorities, operationa­l priorities, risk priorities and then actually do something about it,” Simonovich said. “This is where artificial intelligen­ce can really help.”

I find it unfortunat­e that Simonovich invoked the term AI, which has become so buzzy that many don’t take it seriously. But what he’s talking about is a machine that detects patterns, the kind of digital fingerprin­ts that hackers generate and reveal their presence in a system. This is not an omniscient robotic voice sounding an alarm, it’s about basic analytics.

“In the industrial world, they’re used to analytics,” he told me. “But analytics for security is something that’s new.”

A digital machine trained to detect unusual activity on a specific piece of technology can identify abnormal behavior much quicker than a human, and using a database created from past experience­s, recommend the right course of action. But a human must still decide how to react to the suspected cyberattac­k.

“You have to have domain expertise, and you have technologi­es that are proven to work,” Simonovich said.

You also need business leaders ready to assess the threat and rise to meet it. Less than a quarter of U.S. utility executives surveyed said their companies monitor their data streams or use artificial intelligen­ce to monitor for cyberattac­ks.

Most companies are also approachin­g cybersecur­ity as a compliance issue, meeting the minimum requiremen­ts set by regulators or insurance companies. But we all know that regulators and insurers are behind the technologi­cal curve and react to past attacks. They don’t anticipate the next one.

Until boards of directors reward management teams for the number of cyberattac­ks they defeat rather than waiting to get angry over an outage, the hackers will remain successful. A more forward-leaning approach is required.

 ?? Adam Glanzman / Bloomberg ??
Adam Glanzman / Bloomberg
 ??  ?? Many large companies say they aren’t well prepared for a cyberattac­k.
Many large companies say they aren’t well prepared for a cyberattac­k.
 ?? Bob Owen / Staff photograph­er ?? Cybersecur­ity vulnerabil­ities can be tough to find and tougher to fix.
Bob Owen / Staff photograph­er Cybersecur­ity vulnerabil­ities can be tough to find and tougher to fix.

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