Houston Chronicle

Thousands flee as Australia blazes rage

- By A. Odysseus Patrick

SANCTUARY POINT, Australia — An Australian navy troop carrier was preparing to evacuate as many as 4,000 people trapped in a remote region of Victoria state by advancing wildfires that have consumed an area almost the size of West Virginia.

The situation in Mallacoota — a beach town popular with families over the holiday season — is so dire that officials spent Thursday afternoon assessing who would be capable of climbing ladders from small boats to a navy ship anchored offshore, designed to carry 300 soldiers and 23 tanks.

Those unable to climb the ladders and wishing to leave will be flown out by helicopter, although heavy smoke that has reached as far as New Zealand is making flying hazardous.

Some 17 people have been killed since the fires started in October, eight of them this week. At least another 17 are missing, and more than 1,000 homes and other buildings have been destroyed.

More than 200 fires are burning in the continent’s southeast, and firefighte­rs fear the worst may be yet to come. Temperatur­es exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit and high winds are forecast for Saturday, which could whip up existing blazes and trigger new fires up to 7 miles from the main front.

In Mallacoota, families cried and hugged on Thursday as they discussed whether to take up the evacuation offer or wait with their cars and belongings for the fires to burn out, which could take weeks. The pall of smoke contribute­d to the sense of desperatio­n.

“You can feel it in your eyes. You can feel it in your lungs, and that’s made people even more desperate to get out,” Elias Clure, a journalist in the town, said on the Australian Broadcasti­ng Corp. network.

“It is hell on Earth,” Michelle Roberts, owner of the Croajingol­ong Cafe, told Reuters.

Farther north, in New South Wales state, the main coastal highway was cut off when a fire that had been under control flared up between the regional centers of Nowra and Ulladulla.

On a cloudless day, smoke reduced visibility on the road to 6 feet in some places, making driving for firefighte­rs highly dangerous. Three have died in road accidents in the past few weeks.

The New South Wales Rural Fire Service asked tourists vacationin­g in a 150-mile strip on the state’s south coast to leave Thursday morning. Lines of cars up to a mile long could be seen at gas stations as drivers waited to refuel and get out.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison asked people to be patient as they navigated congested roads. Criticized last week for vacationin­g in Hawaii while the fires burned, Morrison was heckled Thursday when he visited Cobargo, a town in southern New South Wales where most of the main street was wiped out by fire Monday.

Earlier, he emphasized that the primary responsibi­lity for fighting fires lies with state government­s, while taking credit for making military resources available.

“It’s important as we work through those evacuation­s that people continue to remain patient and remain calm and to follow instructio­ns,” Morrison said at a news conference Thursday. “What we cannot have, in these situations, is government­s stepping over the top of each other in a national disaster like this.”

The premier of New South Wales, Gladys Berejiklia­n, visited towns on Wednesday that were virtually wiped out, and she passed on messages to family members from residents who could not reach the outside world because phone networks had failed. “They wanted their relatives to know that they were OK,”

Berejiklia­n’s spokesman said.

In the town of Sanctuary Point, about three hours south of Sydney and a few miles from a major blaze, about 400 anxious residents attended a briefing given Thursday by the regional fire commander at the local country club, which is also a designated evacuation center.

With conditions deteriorat­ing, Superinten­dent Mark Williams said residents should leave soon if they are not physically capable of defending their homes from the encroachin­g flames.

“What we have got is a massive event in front of us,” he said in the briefing, which was attended by representa­tives of the Australian Red Cross and state police. “If you’re not prepared at the moment, you are running out of time.”

As a dry continent, Australia has a history of wildfires. But the current crisis and the earliertha­n-usual start to the summer fire season have triggered angst over what many perceive to be a tepid response by the Australian government to the threat of climate change. In particular, the government has faced criticism for appearing reluctant to move the country away from coal, one of the nation’s top export earners.

December was among the two hottest months on record in Australia, and 2019 was the hottest and driest year on record. Climate scientists have tied the severity of the wildfire season overall, along with the extraordin­ary heat waves, to climate change.

Morrison, however, said no individual fire can be attributed to climate change.

 ?? Robert Oerlemans / Associated Press ?? Boats are pulled ashore as smoke and wildfires rage near Lake Conjola, Australia, as thousands of tourists flee.
Robert Oerlemans / Associated Press Boats are pulled ashore as smoke and wildfires rage near Lake Conjola, Australia, as thousands of tourists flee.

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