Houston Chronicle

Former lawmakers oppose rule change

- By Cyndi Krier, Bill Ratliff, David Sibley, Steve Ogden, Bob Deuell and Craig Estes Authors of this op/ed are former Republican state senators Krier (San Antonio), Ratliff (Mount Pleasant), \Sibley (Waco), Ogden (Bryan), Deuell (Greenville) and Estes (Wi

Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were having breakfast together, the story goes, when Jefferson called Washington to account for agreeing to the creation of a second — and unnecessar­y, Jefferson thought — legislativ­e chamber.

“Why,” responded Washington, “did you just now pour that coffee into your saucer before drinking?”

“To cool it,” answered Jefferson. “My throat is not made of brass.”

“Even so, we pour our legislatio­n into the senatorial saucer to cool it,” said Washington, making his point.

The purpose of the 31-member Texas Senate is similar to that of the U.S. Senate: to cool down some of the fevered legislatio­n filed in the Senate or passed by a simple majority of the Texas House of Representa­tives.

This is accomplish­ed by a Senate rule that requires a super-majority vote (60% of senators on the floor at this time) to bring up a bill for debate. This rule was enacted in 2015; for 70 years previously, a larger, two-thirds vote was required (21 votes of those present).

It’s no coincidenc­e that the 2015 rule change mirrored the Senate’s partisan balance. It allowed Republican­s, who held 20 seats, to bring up and pass a bill without any Democrat support. Now — with the possibilit­y that Democrats may gain Senate seats in the general election — the idea has been raised to further lower the threshold during the 2021 legislativ­e session to require only a simple majority vote.

As former Republican senators — with a total of 80 years of service in this wonderful, deliberati­ve body — we oppose this possible change. Requiring only a simple majority would be bad for the Texas Senate, the Texas Legislatur­e, and the State of Texas.

Those outside the Capitol arena may believe a debate over Senate procedural rules to be in-the-weeds or irrelevant. We believe this rule strongly influences what legislatio­n will impact the lives of all Texans.

A stronger rule encourages, even forces, senators to work with colleagues across the political aisle. In our experience, working in a bipartisan manner led to better legislatio­n and made the Texas Senate a more collegial body.

It also ensures legislator­s from rural and urban areas work together. In our heavily urban state, rural areas could be more easily outvoted under a rule change. In fact, some senators believe this issue is more about the urban/rural split than a partisan one.

Democrat and Republican Lt. Govs. Bill Hobby, Bob Bullock, Rick Perry, Bill Ratliff and David Dewhurst had successful terms under the two-thirds rule. It could be argued that this rule made them better leaders and improved the landmark legislatio­n they passed (school finance, criminal justice reform, tort reform, tax cuts, worker comp reform, etc.).

Most true conservati­ves should support making the passage of legislatio­n a little more difficult. We’ve all seen more bills we wanted to kill than pass. The two-thirds rule helped root out legislatio­n that was highly controvers­ial and didn’t enjoy wide-spread support. This allowed the Senate to stay focused and not get distracted by highly partisan or bitter issues that damage relationsh­ips and the integrity of the Senate.

We believe most Texans prefer legislativ­e bodies that have more civil discourse than we see in Washington, D.C. The two-thirds rule was a key part of this.

Some of us served in the Texas Senate when there were six Republican­s and 25 Democrats. We were on the other side of this rule. When Republican­s became the majority, we declined to change the rules.

It made us better senators and it made our legislatio­n better. We refused to do it because we knew the health and the future of the Senate was more important than any one person or the next election. Nothing has changed. We still oppose this change, regardless of which party is in control.

We urge Texas senators in 2021 to reject any attempt to change the rule so that only a simple majority vote is needed to bring bills to the floor for debate. What goes around comes around — one day, Democrats will be in control and use the rule to their advantage.

He who laughs today weeps tomorrow.

 ?? David Paul Morris / Bloomberg ?? Six former senators urge fellow Republican­s in Austin to reject a move expected next year making it easier to bring a bill to the floor for debate.
David Paul Morris / Bloomberg Six former senators urge fellow Republican­s in Austin to reject a move expected next year making it easier to bring a bill to the floor for debate.

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