Houston Chronicle

District attorney race


Regarding “Pick Ogg in Dem primary for district attorney,” (A36, Feb. 16): It’s like you haven’t read any of your paper’s own coverage from the news side. Scott P. Henson, policy director, Just Liberty

I supported Kim Ogg for district attorney during the last election. However, I am very disappoint­ed that she has not totally rejected a flawed, costly and unnecessar­y form of punishment.

I have been working on the issue of capital punishment for over 25 years. During this time, Texas has carried out 569 executions, over one-third of the executions in the United States. Due to the hard work of many people, executions in Texas have decreased in recent years, from 40 in 1999 to 9 in 2019. However, Texas still leads the nation when it comes to the death penalty. Two executions have already been carried out in 2020, and seven more are currently scheduled.

Twenty-one U.S. states have abolished the death penalty, and another 19 rarely carry it out, although they have not abolished it. These states use their scarce resources for crime prevention programs that are truly effective.

It is time for Texas to reconsider its use of this flawed, unnecessar­y and costly form of punishment. David Atwood, founder, Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

I could not agree more with your endorsemen­t of re-electing Kim Ogg as our district attorney. She’s been through a lot since being elected as our DA. She’s done an excellent job, even though she’s been “short-handed.” So, hooray for your decision to endorse her. Conlin Brogan, Houston

Your acknowledg­ment of Kim Ogg’s accomplish­ments and vision were spoton, as was your assessment of her sterling integrity and her strong, steady hand at the helm of Harris County’s District Attorney’s office. Her commitment to a safer, more just Harris County is fueled by more then her intelligen­ce, honesty and her passion for crime victims. In a word, Kim Ogg is wise, a trait far too many elected officials sorely lack. She has proven she deserves our vote. Kathy Davis, Houston

I’m pleased to see the Houston Chronicle endorsemen­t of District Attorney Kim Ogg. As a lifelong Houstonian, I appreciate Ogg’s fair and constructi­ve approach in prioritizi­ng prosecutio­ns that truly endanger the community. Additional­ly, I genuinely appreciate her work to address gun violence in Houston. Her initiative to post billboards to raise awareness about responsibl­e gun storage, her prosecutin­g those who negligentl­y store firearms and her willingnes­s to lawfully seize guns from domestic abusers are just a few examples of the important work she is doing to reduce gun crime. She definitely has my vote. Norri Leder, Houston

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