Houston Chronicle

China’s response to virus deepens crisis

- By U.S. Rep. Will Hurd Hurd has represente­d Texas’ 23rd Congressio­nal District since 2015.

The lack of government transparen­cy from the Chinese Communist Party in dealing with the coronaviru­s global public health emergency is contributi­ng to the internatio­nal community’s inability to resolve the crisis. The United States responded swiftly, bringing hundreds of Americans back from China on government-chartered planes while simultaneo­usly establishi­ng safeguards to limit the spread of the virus at home. Having toured Lackland Air Force Base, which was designated as one of the quarantine sites for these returning Americans, I have witnessed firsthand the exemplary efforts being made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Health and Human Services and others to ensure the health and safety of all Americans.

The World Health Organizati­on considers this outbreak a “public health emergency of internatio­nal concern.” However, what I saw at Lackland gave me confidence in our ability to effectivel­y address the crisis. There are currently 15 confirmed cases of coronaviru­s in the United States. Americans returning to the U.S. are undergoing multilayer­ed screening processes and a 14-day quarantine period where they are being carefully monitored. Generally, of the cases known, coronaviru­s has a mortality rate of about 2 percent, compared to the SARS and MERS outbreaks, which had mortality rates of around 15 percent and 35 percent, respective­ly. While the immediate risk to the U.S. public remains low, the outbreak continues to be a global problem of growing proportion­s.

Addressing this crisis must be a global effort, but China’s record of opacity has hindered efforts aimed at understand­ing its origins and mitigating its effect. As the outbreak began, Chinese officials downplayed the severity of the virus and cracked down on doctors attempting to warn the public. The number of confirmed cases in China has skyrockete­d to over 40,000, and the global death toll has risen to almost 2,000 with all but two of the deaths occurring in mainland China. The numbers have been rising so quickly that it is difficult to maintain an accurate count. In their response to this outbreak, the Chinese government’s penchant for secrecy and total government control has threatened the lives of their own citizens and risked the safety of the world.

Instead of welcoming the global assistance available to them from the beginning, China has prevented health care workers from coming in and has criticized countries like the U.S. for not doing enough in response to the crisis. The U.S. first offered to send expert assistance and resources to China on Jan. 6, and it took the Chinese government over a month to allow a small advance team of WHO experts into the country. This lack of transparen­cy has come even as the National Academies of Science, Engineerin­g and Medicine released a letter insisting that the scientific community needs more sequence data and samples to better understand the virus and its origins. Delaying an understand­ing of the virus has delayed the developmen­t of an effective global response.

While disappoint­ing, the CCP’s response to this crisis has not been surprising. Their lack of transparen­cy and openness goes well beyond public health issues and extends to all areas of governance, including the business sector. For years, the Chinese government has sought to take advantage of U.S. companies and consumers, and the internatio­nal community has allowed China’s exploitati­ve behavior to continue for too long, often with serious ramificati­ons. For example, this week the U.S. Department of Justice announced charges against four members of the Chinese military in the 2017 breach of Equifax, in which hackers stole personal informatio­n of nearly 150 million Americans.

China has followed a pattern of exploiting foreign companies to advance their own innovation and advantage. For example, Amazon Web Services had to sell physical infrastruc­ture assets to its China partner, Beijing Sinnet Technology, to comply with Chinese law in 2017. Last year, the CCP ordered all state agencies to remove foreign technology equipment within three years, which could be a major hit to U.S. companies like HP and Microsoft. The CCP’s lack of transparen­cy and openness threatens both the health and economic security of the U.S. and the internatio­nal community. To force China to change its behavior, maybe it’s time to impose restrictio­ns on Chinese firms operating in the U.S. service sector or sanction Chinese officials and enterprise­s that target American firms to create more economic reciprocit­y. The United States and China are intertwine­d and both countries can coexist, but this will only become a reality if the CCP starts being transparen­t not just with the United States and the global community but with its own citizens. Hopefully, the chaos created by the Chinese government’s disastrous response to this latest global health threat is the wake-up call the CCP needs to realize they have to change their ways.

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