Houston Chronicle

Thirty years later, ADA’s rules are not a handicap on business


Lex Frieden vividly remembers when businesses, universiti­es and politician­s vigorously defended their right to deny services and employment to people with disabiliti­es.

For Frieden, it was Oral Roberts University denying him admission because he required a wheelchair. He still chokes up over the despair he felt for his future more than 52 years ago.

“It was the first time in my life that I’d ever been told that I couldn’t do something — that I knew I could do — on the basis of a characteri­stic for which I had no control,” Frieden told me. “I immediatel­y thought about what the civil rights people had experience­d.”

Frieden joined the civil rights fight and in the 1980s became the executive director of the National Council on the Handicappe­d. He was one of the chief architects of the Americans with Disabiliti­es Act, which Congress passed 30 years ago in July.

The ADA bans unreasonab­le discrimina­tion based on physical ability and requires a reasonable accommodat­ion in public places.

Frieden’s journey began with a car crash that broke his neck when he was a freshman in college. He had been a good student, worked hard at rehabilita­tion, and was excited to return to school a year later when he received the rejection letter from the college closest to his parents’ home.

Tulsa University later admitted Frieden, and he eventually earned a master’s degree in psychology at the University of Houston. Frieden took his fight literally to the streets.

When Houston Mayor Fred Hofheinz and invited Houstonian­s to ride public buses for free one day in 1978, Freiden and 30 of his friends showed up.

“The mayor disappeare­d real fast because the press was really interested in seeing all these people getting out of their wheelchair­s, onto the ground and dragging themselves up the steps of the buses,” Frieden said.

Hofheinz eventually agreed to install lifts in the city’s buses, and Frieden became a national figure. He began working with Congress in the 1980s.

His most prominent opponents were business interests, who did not want to change their operations, hiring practices or buildings.

Frieden and other activists stressed that the law would require only “reasonable accommodat­ion.” And by making it easier for people with different abilities, businesses could expand their employee and customer base. After years of work and public pressure, the tide shifted.

“The U.S. Chamber of Commerce flipped, and the big companies said, ‘We can afford this, this is not an issue for us,’” he explained.

Small businesses led by the National Federation of Independen­t Businesses took a while longer to convince. But today, the regulation­s no longer are considered an exceptiona­l burden. The fight, though, is far from over, and business owners remain the biggest hindrance.

“We’re living 30 years later, and Uber says they’re not subject to the ADA. That they’re not obliged to carry people with disabiliti­es,” Frieden said. Several class-action lawsuits are underway.

The unemployme­nt rate among the disabled remains between 75 percent and 80 percent, the same as before the law, he added.

“Employers have changed their strategy. They no longer say, ‘We’re not hiring you because you’re disabled.’ Now they say,‘We’ve found a more talented applicant,’” Freiden said. “Last year, we discovered the city had dozens of job descriptio­ns that required people to have driver’s license. If your job doesn’t require you to drive, you don’t need a driver’s license.”

Property owners still skirt ADA rules. A major shopping district redesigned its sidewalks a few years ago, and despite complaints, refused to comply with the ADA. Frieden called the U.S. attorney, and only then did management make the necessary adjustment­s.

Looking back, the business community’s opposition to the ADA appears cruel and misguided. No business person still thinks it’s OK to discrimina­te against the disabled. But many harbor unconsciou­s biases or do not recognize the barriers they allow to persist.

“If you don’t see people with disabiliti­es in your business, then you ought to look at it and see what’s wrong because you’re missing 20 percent of the public,” Frieden advised.

“If you’re sponsoring a meeting and you don’t see people with disabiliti­es widely represente­d among your group, ask, ‘What’s the problem here?’”

The ADA offers lessons for the fight to end discrimina­tion based on other unalterabl­e characteri­stics. Texas and the nation still lack laws protecting Americans against discrimina­tion based on gender or sexual orientatio­n. Some businesses are still defending their right to discrimina­te.

Americans are still perfecting our commitment to liberty and justice, but only because Lex Frieden and others like him are reminding businesses that fairness is as important as profits.

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