Houston Chronicle

Virus doesn’t discrimina­te

- Frankie Ann Holmes, Bellaire

All in this together

With the world dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the terms used by the medical people is “underlying condition.” Maybe this virus is a good reminder of what that term really means. This virus doesn’t limit itself to Democrats, Republican­s or independen­ts. It doesn’t just affect Muslims, Christians, Jews, other religions, atheists or agnostics. It isn’t limited to North, South, East or West. It doesn’t care if you believe in socialism, capitalism, communism or anarchy. It even isn’t exclusivel­y a threat to the top 1 percent or the bottom 99 percent.

With this virus, we’re all in this together, and we’re all equally susceptibl­e. I know it’s wishful thinking on my part, but to me the underlying condition we should be concerned about is that we’re all people. Good, bad or indifferen­t, we are all the same, and we need to remember that this underlying condition is what life should really be about. Len Kaplan, Houston

Regarding “Anger rises as lives upturned,” (A1, March 13): Am I angry? Yes, I am, but not at the lack of test kits, or at our federal government’s poor response or that the rodeo has shut down. I am angry about the unnecessar­y panic in the general population’s hoarding of products.

Should we practice good hygiene, stay at home when sick, avoid those who exhibit cold/flu symptoms, be more concerned for the elderly and those with compromise­d immune systems? Of course, we should, but let’s exhibit common sense and stop panicking. Ike Harper, Sugar Land

Unfortunat­ely, it appears that it has taken a pandemic for many Americans to understand that each of us has a vested interest in the health of our neighbor. It is not merely compassion that dictates we care. Our own health and well-being are at stake. Ron Siemers, Houston

Global health budget cuts

Regarding “Trump’s budget cuts put children at risk” (A17, March 13): “A woman is like a teabag — you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” Eleanor Roosevelt’s words come to mind after reading Dr. Shubhada Hooli’s heartrendi­ng letter about the Trump budget, which will decrease funding for global health programs by the State Department by 34 percent and in the EPA, resulting in more global illness.

Hooli’s warning, “We do not live in a Purell-covered bubble,” echoes John Donne’s thoughts, “No man is an island.” The many crises we face today are Roosevelt’s hot water. Will we show how strong we are by our courage to ask our legislator­s to address these issues? Thank you, Dr. Hooli, for sharing your light with us.

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