Houston Chronicle


- BY CARY DARLING | STAFF WRITER cary.darling@chron.com

“Resistance” is a well-intentione­d, well-crafted film on a worthy topic: the anti-fascist activity during World War II of Marcel Marceau, the late, great French mime known best for saying nothing at all, let alone anything political. But the handsomely mounted, Czech Republic and German-shot “Resistance” is partially undone by one of its most basic aspects, the casting of the main character.

Jesse Eisenberg, so good in last year’s “The Art of Self-Defense,” is Marceau, the gangly son of a Jewish butcher in the northern French town of Strasbourg on the German border. It’s the late ’30s and Marcel has little interest in following in his father’s profession­al footsteps or the politics and activism that consume his brother, Alain (Felix Moati). Instead, he’d rather entertain denizens of a local cabaret with his Charlie Chaplin impression, something that shames his father.

Things start to change for the aspiring actor when he reluctantl­y agrees to help with a group of Jewish orphans from across the border that the German government has allowed to leave — after killing their parents. It helps that he has a bit of a crush on one of the organizers of the goodwill mission, Emma (Clémence Poésy). It turns out the children love his mime act. One of the older girls, Elsbeth (Bella Ramsey, who played Lyanna Mormont in “Game of Thrones”) really bonds with him. But he doesn’t have a lot of time to bask in adulation. After the Germans invade, Marcel, Alain, Emma and other members of the French Resistance flee with the children to southern France before trying to escape to Switzerlan­d.

Eisenberg — who, at 36, is more than twice as old as Marceau was when he became involved with the orphans — gamely throws himself into the role, but he never disappears into it. He’s still Eisenberg, tics and all, and his hit-or-miss accent only underscore­s that problem. In fact, the film has a larger issue in that the Germans, when speaking among themselves, only speak German, while the French characters, like Eisenberg, all speak accented English of varying quality. There’s also a bit of cameo casting, with Edgar Ramirez and Ed Harris showing up in small roles, the latter as General Patton.

So it’s not a surprise then that the most compelling character is the horrific Nazi officer Klaus Barbie, aka The Butcher of Lyons, played with a chilling but gleeful cruelty by German actor Matthias Schweighöf­er. All of the film’s best, and most suspensefu­l moments, involve him. When he’s on screen, “Resistance” becomes the powerhouse movie director/writer Jonathan Jakubowicz clearly wants it to be. (Schweighöf­er, a star in Germany and Austria, deservedly may become better known on this side of the world after he appears in Zack Snyder’s next film, “Army of the Dead.”)

Still, for all its flaws, “Resistance” does shine the light on a figure who may not have had much to say on stage but, when German push came to Gestapo shove, valiantly spoke through his actions.


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