Houston Chronicle

UT researcher­s say llamas’ antibody could be key

- By Lara Korte

AUSTIN — A Belgian llama named Winter could hold the key to fighting the coronaviru­s.

Researcher­s at the University of Texas, in coordinati­on with the National Institutes of Health and Ghent University in Belgium, this week are publishing a paper about the potential use of antibodies found in llamas to fight the coronaviru­s.

Years ago, when studying two earlier forms of coronaviru­s, SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV, researcher­s found a certain antibody in Winter and other llamas could effectivel­y attach itself to and neutralize the viruses’ spike protein, the portion that attacks healthy cells. The team now has formed a new antibody that shows promise for treating SARSCoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, by linking two copies of the llama antibody that worked against the earlier SARS virus. They demonstrat­ed that the new antibody neutralize­s viruses displaying spike proteins from SARS-CoV-2 in cell cultures.

“While we were working on this project, the new SARS-CoV-2 coronaviru­s emerged and the spike proteins are pretty similar between SARS-CoV-2 and the original SARS,” said Jason McLellan, associate professor of molecular bioscience­s at UT and co-senior author. “We thought that maybe this nanobody, if we isolated it, would also bind to this one.”

Unlike most vaccines, which have to be introduced to the body months before infection to be effective, antibody therapy works almost immediatel­y, McLellan said. A potential treatment using the llama antibodies could provide quick protection for vulnerable population­s like the elderly and health care workers.

“Immediatel­y after injection, they’ll basically have immunity to that virus. It will wane over time, after certain number of months perhaps, but they become immediatel­y immune, McLellan said.

The team is publishing their research on May 5 in the journal Cell, and will begin animal testing soon, which will be conducted by researcher­s in Belgium. McLellan said they could advance to human trials in about two months.

If the trials reach a point where an injection would have to be manufactur­ed in mass quantities, scientists could multiply and grow the antibodies in a controlled environmen­t, meaning no llamas would be sacrificed for their useful antibodies.

Things are moving quickly, McLellan said, and he’s confident antibody treatment will be one of the most useful methods of fighting the coronaviru­s. Still, he’s appreciati­ve of all the efforts scientists are making to slow the spread of the virus.

“They each have pros and cons and can be used differentl­y, and the more developmen­t the better. We’ll continue to learn from those for future pandemics,” McLellan said of other research. “We’re excited to be here at UT collaborat­ing with groups all over the world to try and help mitigate this pandemic.”

 ?? Dreamstime / Tribune News Service ?? A new study suggests injections modeled after the pack animals’ antibodies could produce immunity to COVID-19.
Dreamstime / Tribune News Service A new study suggests injections modeled after the pack animals’ antibodies could produce immunity to COVID-19.

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